If I were a student, I'd be going back to school with my Steam Deck as my main PC — here's how to kit it out for work and play

This is terrible advice. I love the Deck, and it's a great mini pc alternative, but there are two main things you need for your main device while studying.

  1. Taking notes - ideally this means a touch screen with a stylus, but at the very least it means you can easily use it on the tiny desk area of a lecture hall. The steam deck with a half dozen loosely tethered accessories fails this requirement immediately
  2. Video calling - for remote learning, virtual office hours etc. You'll need to add yet another peripheral to your already heavily loaded kit bag to handle this one, neither the Deck nor the external screen have a camera.
Any laptop or tablet is just vastly more suitable, and if you want the ability to play games on the go, them just being a wireless controller along.
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