*IF* MS are going to make an announcement on Band 3....


New member
May 26, 2016
when is it likely to be?

I have just noticed that my 2nd Band 2 is starting to split. I can return it but I don't know whether to just get my money back and switch to a fitbit, or ask if they have a Band 2, or try to make my Band 2 last long enough for a Band 3 announcement.

I really don't want to leave the Band. Apart from the fact it falls to bits, it is the perfect device for me.

I am quite sad right now.:cry:
I think it was likely to be last October. The Band ship has sailed I'm afraid. I'm with you in that it was "the" device for me. That being said, my new Apple Watch is preparing for shipping as my band started to split as well. Best Buy even refunded the cost of the 2 year protection plan as well as giving me the full credit for the Band so that cut the (too high) price of the watch quite a bit.
I understand optimism and hope and all, but it's time you either look at replacing that Band 2 with either another Band or a different kind of thingie.
I'd love a Band 3, personally. I'm holding off on deciding based on some very unlikely to be true rumors that we'll hear something Q1. But if it doesn't last that long, or there isn't an announcement, I'll probably be jumping to the Vivoactive HR by Garmin. Seems closest to the Band 2 in features; sadly nothing on the market currently has the features and style the Band 2 does.
when is it likely to be?
The overriding question is - when will it be ready? That's going to dictate what event it will be announced at. If it's an event at all. After all, I think the original just came out of nowhere in a press release. Today's "Ask Dan" does indicate that there is a "wearables" division in MS, so there's some hope.

My plan is to extend the life of my Band 1 as long as I can, while keeping an eye on what's available. Once the Band dies, then I'll pull the trigger on something. Maybe MS will have something, or perhaps Android Wear 2.0 will be shipping. A possible interim solution is to keep an eye on eBay for a gently used device. Band 2s look a bit pricey for "life extension" but the Band 1 looks like an affordable option to extend life in the ecosystem for a few months.
I switched to a Fitbit Blaze at Christmas. My Band 2 had the crack in it's band and even though it was still under warranty I didn't see any point in replacing it. Time to move on.

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