Important if You Bought ATT Phone in Last Month for more than 1 Cent


New member
Nov 16, 2011
I recently purchased a Samsung Focus S on November 12th. Today of course is the 1 cent sale, and rather than return my phone, be without one for a week, and pay a restocking fee, I wanted to keep my phone and get the full 200 dollars.

There was some confusion on the forum for recent purchasers of ATT WP7s (must have been from an AT&T store) as to whether or not you could get a price adjustment today. The answer, yes you can get the 1 cent price AND keep your phone. It took about 40 minutes of my time, plus traveling to an AT&T store, but it was obviously worth it. Here's what I did.

Go to an AT&T store, bring your receipt. If you don't have it they can print it out for you.
Call 611, press 0 to speak to an operator.
Ask for a price adjustment or credit on your bill, explain that you purchased your phone within 30 days and today it is on sale for 1 cent.
After a bunch of nonsense, the customer service rep on the phone asked to speak with my in-store rep because he had no . It was necessary to be in the store so that the in-store rep could verify the price I paid for the phone because the customer service rep had no record of what I paid for my phone.
After another 15 minutes or so of being on hold, you should be refunded the value you paid for your phone, excluding tax.

Good luck. There is no doubt it will be a pain and will take at least 20-30 minutes, but it is worth it.

Now go get your refund!
When I called 611 they just submitted a credit request and said a rep would review it and get back to me. I'm headed to the store too, because I don't want to miss out.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
When I called 611 they just submitted a credit request and said a rep would review it and get back to me. I'm headed to the store too, because I don't want to miss out.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Just got back from the ATT store. They didn't even blink before they credited me the $199 I spent on my Focus S earlier in the month and sold my wife a Focus S for 1 cent. No problems or hassles at all.
N ice I went on line and could have and still could purchase a FOCUS S of titan but I would have to get a new less than unlimited data plan so no go for me. I will just wait until March ish or so and get one when the price has dropped or wait and see what happens with Nokia and LTE in the spring. I am looking forward to a windows 8 tablet in June and may wait for Apollo phones.
Just got back from the ATT store. They didn't even blink before they credited me the $199 I spent on my Focus S earlier in the month and sold my wife a Focus S for 1 cent. No problems or hassles at all.

Ah you are lucky. Either way I recommend going to the store and not depending on 611.
The whole thing took about 5 minutes. I called, told them that I wanted the refund, he checked with his manager, and BAM, got the refund to my account. A great experience overall and make me glad that I am with AT&T.

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I bought 2 Titans on 5 days ago for 50% off. THOUGHT it was a deal. But after spending 30 minutes and getting bounced around 3 times, I got my $200 back just now as a statement credit. :D
I just called up and got through to managers, but they said they would never do a price match and that I could return the phone and purchase another for 1 penny if I want. Seems really stupid, but I wonder if maybe they have been told not to do this because people already took advantage of it. I may swing by the store and try them too...
I just called up and got through to managers, but they said they would never do a price match and that I could return the phone and purchase another for 1 penny if I want. Seems really stupid, but I wonder if maybe they have been told not to do this because people already took advantage of it. I may swing by the store and try them too...

Really? Did you buy the phone from If so, you got shafted. :( I bought mine there and they gave me $200 credit for both phones. Heck, if I had paid $400 for both, I'd probably get $400 back.

Also, when did you buy your Focus S? Maybe they're only doing it for the Titans and maybe its because I only bought mine on Monday.
They credited the price of two Titans back to my account.

Sent from my TITAN using Board Express
Big thanks derek! Your post helped me return my focus flash and get a focus s and i got 17$ in return. Awesome deal.
bought the focus s in store two weeks ago. Went to two different ATT stores and got the run around on price matching for an online sale and how they couldn't do it. Told me I would have to return the phone and lose my number in the process since I switched carriers when I bought this phone. Called customer service and the only thing they said they could do for me was take away my first months bill which was about $140. so I took it. It's not the full refund but its better than nothing.

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