Improved Version of Seven-Eighter

Catholic Tech Geek

New member
Feb 2, 2012
Over the past few days, I have been working on a new version of Seven-Eighter based off of the source code that Jaxbot kindly provided. I have made numerous improvements to the original version.

One of those improvements is instead of embedding the links to the update files as strings in the actual program, my version of Seven-Eighter downloads a config file from the internet which contains the links to the update files. In this manner, you, the user, do not have to download a new version of the program every time Microsoft releases a new update for Windows Phone 7.x.

Some more improvements include improved error handling and some better instruction to help you with the update process. If you haven't yet, you should really check it out. I am curious as to what people think of my version compared to the original.

You can find the link to download my version of Seven-Eighter on my blog here: Catholic Tech Geek: New Build of Seven-Eighter with support for Easy Future Updates

Now as such, I am always looking to improve. I welcome any and all suggestions. If you want to throw something my way to help with development you are welcome to do so, but not required (your satisfaction works just well, check my signature for instructions).
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Awesome! I used the old version of SevenEighter to update my Samsung Focus from 7.5 to 7.8 (7.10.8858) a couple months ago. I just downloaded this new improved version, plugged my phone in, ran it, selected my languages and now I am up to date! Version 7.10.8862.144! My Live Tiles that were broken are now working and I can also re-size them to the larger tile! Thanks again!
Where did u get the info on att releasing to all devices by end of march?
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