In future L1020 can access all updates or their is an replacement with L 1030??

Abhilash D

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Nov 16, 2014
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Unlike the 1020, although the 808 is technically even weaker processor wise, it does have its own dedicated processing unit made by Nokia, hence 41MP shot to shot is so much faster.The only solution really is an upgraded 1020. Something on the Snapdragon 805 perhaps? You?d expect even a 930/1520 with 41MP/Snapdragon 800 would be slower due to having more to compute, let alone having an older processor.and it don't get fully denim updated due to the old chip .........

so what about 1020 users.... it is a costly phone,,,, can their is an official replacement available for 1020 ??

Silver Wind

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Dec 17, 2012
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The current Lumia 1020 is frankly for a very niche audience. People who want to capture excellent pics, but don't mind the long shot-to-shot time.

Can't say anything for certain about future Lumia 10##s, but I do believe it'll be an improved experience.

Personally, I believe they should switch to a lower MP count at the same sensor size, which would vastly improve the camcorder performance. A 16MP sensor with >2-microns pixel size should cut the gap between the Lumia Flagship and dedicated cameras. It'll also relieve the stress on the processor, while also minimizing the shot-to-shot duration. Details may take a hit, but only minimal.

However, I also believe that such a device should come in the 9## series, with the 10## continuing with a 40+MP sensor and incorporating a dedicated processor for photography. That'll no doubt leave everyone happy.

But that's just my wish, and doesn't reflect Microsoft's, who I believe are going for a 1030 with a 50MP sensor (and dual LED flash according to leaks). Snapdragon flagship processors can capture at these resolutions, so there's a high chance they won't integrate an additional dedicated photography processor.


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Mar 10, 2012
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I"m hesistant to even speculate on a topic like this because even with the recent 'leak', there's been nothing to validate it, so it's not even legit. There's really no way to say until we have an official announcement from Microsoft to a successor.

I personally wait for this every stinkin day!


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Dec 14, 2010
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I believe you can turn off the capture of the higher megapixel version of the picture to only get the 5 MP version.

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