Insider build as daily driver

Grant Taylor3

New member
Mar 15, 2014
with the Windows 10 Mobile going into maintenance mode effectively is it stable enough to run a daily driver phone on the fast ring?
I am running my daily driver on the fast ring, but I have some strange things going around there. For example if i press the power button, the iris scanner turns on and then when I press power button again the screen turns of but the iris scanner is still on and actually unlocks my phone if my face is close enough for it to recognize me. There are also some bugs in the Settings app, other than that I did not notice any other bugs.
I've got the newest fast build on my 650 and I'm really surprised at how well it works. No real noticeable problems at all. I put it on my PCs as well. I've had one greenscreen of death on an ASUS tablet, but that's about it. I'd recommend it if you're ok with some occasional bugs.

Oh, also the new People thing doesn't seem to work consistently on PC, but I don't use it anyway.
I have been running my 950XL on Fast Ring as a Daily Driver since it was available. That being said, keep WDRT installed on your computer, just in case. If you have 100 Mbps or faster internet you should be able to recovery the device in an hour or two should the need arise (yes a few times I have done just that).

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