installing & running app on windows phone 10 through device portal


Nov 15, 2017

I am trying to test an uwp app I made in Visual Studio on my Windows phone (lumia 950, wp10, version 1709, build 10.0.15254.530).
The app was build through 'Create App Packages' for sideloading purposes (right click solution explorer in Visual Studio -> store -> create app packages) as release version for x86, x64 and ARM. The minimal Windows version that app should support is set to Anniversary Update (build 1439).

With developer mode toggled on (on the phone) I can use the device portal to deploy the app and all 3 ARM dependencies. I can also see the app on my phone (as recently added), however when I tried to run it; briefly a window appears and the window shutdowns again (than nothing happens).

I can install & run the appx/apppackage on my pc, so I take it is not a certificate problem.
I also should mention that I did successfully deploy an older version the app some time ago, but I cannot remember entirely how I did it (I do remember that the minimal Windows version that the app would support was set to an old release of Windows 10, build 10240).

Does anyone know what could be the problem? Appreciate any help/comments.

ps: I am not using any dll's or other complex stuff, just stuff like microsoft's inkbar and flyouts etc. No errors or warnings are shown in Visual Studio.
After hours of trial and error I fixed it! :cool:
The problem was the one of the Windows icons I used in the Command AppBarButton. Apparently that icon does work on Windows 10 but not on Windows Phone 10 (don't know yet which icon is exactly the culprit, but we are talking about e.g. a standard undo icon so it is pretty dumb that it does not work on Windows Phone).

Also deploying UWP app packages seems really buggy in Visual Studio, I almost always need to 'clean' and 'rebuild' the solution before it works. :?

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