iPhone vs windows phone built-in apps design.

I would say Windows Phone just because I personally prefer the panoramic, text-heavy design with the default predominately black background as opposed to Apple's style.
Depending on what you rate personally higher, many would say iOS alone simply because of the bad(catastrophic) rehash of Xbox Music player and iOS music player being the most widely used base app.
IOS, stopwatch with timer built in. Also mms allows you to scroll through images, WP you have to return to the message and click the next image. Design goes to WP though. IOS reminds me of messy desktops with a bazillion shortcuts.
Depends. Are we talking WP7(.5/8), WP8, or WP8.1?

I loathe 8.1 and find it to be a typical MS 8 steps back and loss of vision product. Based on past experiences, the end is nigh.

Edit: Photo hub in 7/8 is a work of art.
Quite the opposite. 8.1 is great, and so much better than any ios offering. Plus the devices from Nokia and HTC are better than the iPhone offerings.

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