Is anyone using the Lumia 635 on Boost or Virgin with 1GB of RAM?


New member
Jun 23, 2015
I currently have a Lumia 635 that I am using on AT&T. It is the GoPhone variant but I've flashed the post-paid software and now run the 8.1 Update 2 build on it. All things considered, I'm happy with the phone but since there is a variant of this device with 1GB of RAM, I'm curious if it really improves the experience.

I play games on the phone, primarily Minecraft PE. I also go online and read articles, watch videos, and listen to music / radio. I try to limit the number of running programs, but run into the resuming screen just like everyone else. I?m curious if the additional 512MB of RAM helps ease this at all.

I also don?t know what the upgrade path is for the OS and how timely updates would be. I know with CDMA variants it can be tougher to get software updates. But, if I can get Update 2 on it and the additional 512MB helps the phone run more smoothly?.it may be worth it.
I guess no one else is using the 635 on Boost (or Virgin) with the additional 512MB of RAM. For what it's worth, I'm moving on to the 640 XL as sort of a stop gap - possibly going back to Android or maybe iOS. For around the same price I can get something with better specs (for a 2014/2015 phone) albeit with some haggling and the risks associated with secondhand devices.
I'm using it on Boost Mobile (second phone) and I can say it runs fine. I can't compare it to the 512 variety but I have no complaints. I don't play games on mine so I can't even tell you what that experience would be like but I'm thinking the extra RAM would certainly make a difference. I'm actually quite surprised how good this phone is considering it only cost me $50. That said, I think the 640XL looks pretty nice.
I really wsh we'd get this on AT&T. If there's anything the Lumia 830 taught me, it's that an SD400 handles even our highest resource games just fine. Pair that with the lower screen res and it'll perform even better.
Posted via Tapatalk from my Surface 3 (128GB/4GB)
I guess no one else is using the 635 on Boost (or Virgin) with the additional 512MB of RAM. For what it's worth, I'm moving on to the 640 XL as sort of a stop gap - possibly going back to Android or maybe iOS. For around the same price I can get something with better specs (for a 2014/2015 phone) albeit with some haggling and the risks associated with secondhand devices.
I have both and the extra RAM really helps. I had the first L635 for almost a year and was getting annoyed with it going to home screen when I was opening too much apps or photo's. Not so much games since I only play simple games. I tried a L640 first and the screen is great, much brighter, sharper, but it seemed less responsive. After a week I got the 2015 L635 version with 1GB and it's perfect for me. Haven't had a single "stall" or whatever you call it and runs really smooth. I worried about battery life but it's about the same.

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