Is Denim available for PFD users?


New member
Dec 12, 2013
Anyone on PFD have updated their phone to ((actual)) Denim? Because in the availability for Denim for my country said Denim is the latest release for my phone model, NL 620, yet it says 'Your phone is up to date.'. And yes, I'm on PFD + Cyan.
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Anyone on PFD have updated their phone to ((actual)) Denim? Because in the availability for Denim for country said Denim is the latest release for my phone model, NL 620, yet it says 'Your phone is up to date.'. And yes, I'm on PFD + Cyan.
Nope I have Lumia 520 yet I have not received the update yet. I'm also on pfd.
Denim has nothing to do with PFD. PFD is for OS updates only not firmware which Denim is.

You'll have to wait! :)
In some countries, there is no firmware update for low end devices only os update to the latest pfd version. Check your country Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia to see if there is a new firmware for your device.

Like I said in my first post, Denim is being released for my phone model CV. So it is confirmed that NL 620 users in my country will get / is getting the Denim firmware update. It'll most probably be available for my phone soon enough.
I guess you understood gilantio wrong...

In some countries, there is no firmware update for low end devices only os update to the latest pfd version. Check your country Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia to see if there is a new firmware for your device.

there are many signs that you do only get the OS part of the Denim bundle on most or even all *20/*25 devices, and NOT the firmware part. So if you are with the latest Developer Preview build, it seems like you already have "Denim", or to be exactly, the OS part of Denim... Only 1520 and 930 are getting OS AND firmware. With 830, 7307735 etc... already showing of Denim, these devices only getting the Operating System updated to the latest Build.
It's weird, I'm on PfD (Lumia 620, Finland CV) and when I check Extras+Info, it shows I'm on Cyan, if I opt out of PfD, it shows I'm on Denim (without even updating or anything)
I have the same thing wz L.620 I think it wil get it soon .. It happened before with Amber update where I thought I was the last one on the planet to get it -_-
It's weird, I'm on PfD (Lumia 620, Finland CV) and when I check Extras+Info, it shows I'm on Cyan, if I opt out of PfD, it shows I'm on Denim (without even updating or anything)

That's a known bug (also reported by WC) in the extra + info app...
Lumia Denim Highlights

The Lumia Denim Update includes new and upgraded features such as Consumer VPN for added security, Live Folders for better organization, and, of course, the one-and-only Cortana, your personal (and personable) virtual assistant.

The new update also includes major upgrades to your Lumia?s camera (depending on device).

I have all these features on my ICON with PFD. which mean I have Denim. and expecting an update for my camera.
I have all these features on my ICON with PFD. which mean I have Denim.

Not necessarily. Microsoft doesn't separate the OS update and its new features from the firmware's new features when they talk about Denim. All the referred features, apart from Hey Cortana and Lumia Camera are new features of WP 8.1 Update and not Denim.
Another thing is that when I opt out of PFD and search for an update, it searches for a bit and says "Phone updated" (the usual, when there's nothing new), when I opt in, it searches like 5 times longer (atleast), and still the "Phone upadated" text.
Also, acording to Nokias webpage (well, MS's webapge now), I should have the update available, so should I be opted in or out of PFD? :D

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