Is it time to make a change from WP?


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Apr 28, 2014
Is it time to make a change from WP

I have been a supporter of Windows Phone for quite some time now. I purchased the HD7 when it had come out and have purchased a few WP since then to include my tried and tested Dell Venue Pro and most recently a 1520, Icon, M8 and 930. It many ways I feel that the OS is superior to the likes of Android, iOS and BB10. That being said though there are somethings that have been bothering me about Microsoft/Windows Phone that are becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. They are the same complaints that I think most of us have here, the lack of apps and the failure of Microsoft to produce truly great, viable, flagship phones. The app issue is quite old and hasn't gotten any better really. I am still missing apps that I would like to have such as my banks, etc. I have tried to make do, pinning the website to my start screen but really it shouldn't come to that. I understand that they are attempting to address the change now but it may be too little too late. Blackberry tried to remedy their own situation and in many ways they have with the introduction of the Amazon and Snap Markets. Many of the apps though still seem half baked. More disconcerting though is that I have what most people would consider the best WP there are right now in the 1520/930/M8. All of these phones though are far behind the power curve as to what is coming out now. The flagship specs that were leaked add some hope but realistically by the time those phones are released they will be behind again. I want biometrics on the phone. I want viable and widely accepted pay systems like Apple Pay. We are talking about Microsoft, one of the most powerful and capable companies in the world. Yet they continue to lag behind. Why is that? Why can they not be more innovative? More proactive instead of reactive? So, is it time to leave? Do you all here believe that WP10 will truly be able to turn things around. I am honestly very interested to see what the masses think? I myself is very skeptical. I just don't know if that is me being unfair or not.
Re: Is it time to make a change from WP

better days ahead....wait for it

This should be copyrighted as Microsoft's motto!

That said, I do believe it is true. I am looking forward to the day when the shortcomings for my personal use are taken care of and I can fully move over the Microsoft's ecosystem.

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