Is it worth upgrading my Lumia 930 to Lumia 950XL now?

Abhilash Jena

New member
Jun 6, 2017
Seems Microsoft doesn't want to care much for its Mobile platform now days I'm really worried about thrashing my both Lumias 830 as well as 930.
Seems Microsoft doesn't want to care much for its Mobile platform now days I'm really worried about thrashing my both Lumias 830 as well as 930.

If it's worth... Well... I may be mistaken, as I am not sure how the 950 XL is priced in your area, but here it is far less expensive than it was at release (half the price, last models).
That being said, my girlfriend is very happy with the upgrade, albeit it was from a low-end 625 to the 950 XL. Personally, I'd probably postpone an upgrade unless the current one was acting up and on its death bed.
The price is really cheap at the moment and the camera is great, but sadly the Windows mobile platform is dying. Apps are slowly being killed of one by one. So I would say if you only use Microsoft apps (and a few third party ones like WhatsApp) then is would say, yes upgrade if only for the camera which is superb on the 950XL.

Greets, Pim
Yes its the app factor that always keeping me worried of ditching my Lumias. There was a time when almost all the daily used applications were there but now one by one developers are retiring their apps or won't bother to upgrade it. Take a look at Amazon app such a big company but decided to remove their app from the store way earlier than anyone else.
Why not?
The Microsoft Lumia 950XL is a superb and large phone. Windows 10 Mobile has always been updated on that phone, whereas Lumias 930 and 830 haven't got the latest updates. This OS has been fixed up a lot from before, and is very stable. It has almost all necessary apps in the store including business apps, social media and camera!
The Downside comes in gaming. Even though more and more developers are appearing, if you are a mobile gamer, maybe thrashing your Lumias is a better choice.
Coming to the hardware, 950 and 930 running both Windows 10 have very less difference in performance, you can ever notice. Lumia 950 is mostly although a fraction second faster, you wont notice that. What I like about the 930 is its metal frame which the 950 doesn't have.

I don't think that Microsoft is not taking enough efforts to not make you end up thrashing your Lumias. Its your choice on what you prefer, a large phone always updated, or a metal framed phone with no difference in performance, or any other android phone for just newer games.
W10M is very optimized on 950, it will be a great experience to use W10M on 950. But as we all know that W10M is very stagnant at the current situation, if you don't mind it and still love W10M very much and you want to use it for a long time, then it's defo worth it.
If you can find a L950XL at good price, then I would advise you to upgrade. I have a L830 and while I really like the look and feel of it, the 950XL is superior in so many ways (processor, screen, camera, weight, to name a few). You can always sell your 830 and 930 to help offset the cost.

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