Is Microsoft asking us to give up too much in an upgrade to Windows 10?


New member
Mar 14, 2013
Windows 10 is a much improved OS. However upgrading to Windows 10 leaves many apps less than improved.

I have used Insider Preview on all my devices and have permanently installed Windows 10 on my laptop. My other devices are a Lumia 830 and a Dell Venue Pro 8.

Without a doubt, Windows 10 OS is WAY better on my laptop than Windows 8.1 was. The new (old) Start button is great and notifications are a big help. However on my Dell tablet Windows 10 is less than ideal. Without the swipes navigation in a tablet is more difficult.

New Win 10 apps leave a lot to be desired.
Edge is much faster than IE, which is a major plus, but many features are left out.
  • Right click on Back or Forward buttons doesn't show history.
  • Holding Ctrl and Left click on Edge icon in task bar doesn't open a new Edge session
  • No top address bar when Edge is opened. It's just confusing.
  • No droplist in the address bar for recent entries.
  • No swipe left or right to go backward or forward.
  • No bottom address bar in tablet mode. Thankfully Edge Mobile does have this.
I have read some of these things are coming but Edge is still a step back from IE and IE Modern. At least you can still use Chrome or IE if you like in a laptop or tablet.

Email Client
  • Not consolidating multiple account inboxes in a single view. The Windows Phone 8.1 email app does this extremely well. The Window 8.1 Modern app shows all inboxes and if there are any new emails.
Calendar in Phone
  • No weekly view. This was all I used on Windows Phone 8.1

Part of the issues with these apps may be caused because they are now Universal Apps. If the group developing the Calendar App doesn't think the weekly view is important for the PC/tablet than it doesn't make it to Windows Phone where it is probably more important because of the small screen.

I will probably hold off upgrading to Win 10 on my tablet and phone for a while. Maybe they will address some of these things with user feedback (which I have given plenty of).

It just seems that the "upgrade" to Windows 10 has quite a few "downgrades"
like always, some steps forward, some steps back, problem here is the steps back are quite significant this time, from xp to vista I saw a complete upgrade, vista to 7? lost dreamscenes, 7 to 8.1? lost aero, 8.1 to 10? well... updates are hell now, they changed things because user group A asked, and forgot about group B which actually liked the previous product, example? onedrive now syncing all or nothing, and then this entire movement towards mobile first cloud first moto, its like you are in your work cubicle and they are remodeling the entire office around you without minding if they break your chair while you're sitting

I used to be the kind of old school user who after just fresh installing the OS started restraining it in a box so it can only serve you what you want and do nothing without you asking, after 8.1 I didn't do that, I just did some adjustments and let updates and everything flow normally, it was working admirably, syncing with my shiny new lumia and laptops and everything was so easy, then with w10 I feel like I've gone back to the dark ages, defender off(it keeps deleting old exes) updates off(my hp laptop doesn't need a Lenovo kb driver) and so on and on...
After almost of 5 weeks of officially upgrading to windows 10 from 8.1 I've decided to do a full restore of my surface pro 3 and downgrade to 8.1
I think too much needs to be addressed in windows 10 still. Cortana seems to periodically forget my name, but most importantly, I can't deal with the lack of proper access to my onedrive files on windows 10. I regularly have to open a browser to access my more than 700gigs of data in the cloud. I love the OS, but its does not make me more productive. I love the aesthetics of the thing, but its not for me just yet. I still think its a big beta test. Its like being an insider, but just on the slow-slow ring. I'll be back in a few months.

Some things I think needs to be addressed.
I don't think either windows 8.1 or 10 have perfected settings. The charm bar nor the action centre / hamburger menu seems intuitive, but I would say win 10's iteration is a step in the right direction.
The persistency of Skype once, you log into it, on windows 10 bothers me. I think they should minimize it as a hidden icon in the task tray.
I can't seem to warm up to the windows 10 array of icons, and its up/down swipe orientation. Windows 8.1 is much more touch friendly in that regard.
I've updated all my machines in work and home to Windows 10 and, pretty much, I'm still working exactly as I did before.

Sure, of course, my i3 Surface Pro experience has changed, but I've disabled the terrible tablet mode and enabled the full screen start menu and the touch keyboard appears when in a text entry box (Which is better than Windows 8.1).

For me it's clear... I will NOT be going back to Windows 8.1 and I've given nothing up. The notification option is by far the best thing for tablets that MS has ever done (In my opinion)

P.s. Windows 10 is an evolving operating system with plenty of changes to come. ALL of us should really be on Windows 10 as it's the future.

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