Is Microsoft flying a sinking ship with Copilot and 'gimmicky' AI tools?: "We are building the plane as we fly it. Nothing else matters. They want...

I have no use for Copilot or most AI tools, since they don't do things I actually want them to do. I consider virtually all of them "gimmicky". Cortana came the closest, and Microsoft just let it die instead of augmenting it. As for the new Surface Pro, since it's built on an ARM architecture, it has to emulate a real Windows device, thus completely underpowered for the things I need a Surface Pro to do--namely, as a Digital Audio Workstation capable of handling multiple virtual synths. Lag/latency are life or death in this application, and a device that relies on pretending to be Windows isn't going to cut it.
"There is a delusion on our marketing side where literally everything has been renamed to have Copilot it in. Everything is Copilot. Nothing else matters. They want a Copilot tie-in for everything."

They have done nothing on the Xbox with it. Not even in the edge appp. Which is pretty much the biggest smoking gun that they are windows phoning the Xbox.
Yes, they struggle. Did you read their latest financial report? Or, who knows, did you use Copulot in MS365? It's a fantastic tool, a huge time saver, and easy to extend today; as they iterate, it's just getting better and better.
Unlike the news here, they are definitely getting more biased and less factual, or just made up by the day...
Sad, but in a country with so many fundamental dysfunctions, I guess having news ersatz is ok.

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