Is MS messing up the "Fluent Design" rollout?


New member
Jun 5, 2017
MS has introduced Fluent Design with a short presentation and "hype Video". Some apps from MS are already using some Elements. Do you think this is providing enough guidance for app developers? Right now I see so many different approaches (concepts) on the internet (many of them are not really good). And even the MS apps are not using it consistently in the Insider Previews. I am afraid that this will result in a really inconsistent usage and confusing navigation/design patterns.
MS has introduced Fluent Design with a short presentation and "hype Video". Some apps from MS are already using some Elements. Do you think this is providing enough guidance for app developers? Right now I see so many different approaches (concepts) on the internet (many of them are not really good). And even the MS apps are not using it consistently in the Insider Previews. I am afraid that this will result in a really inconsistent usage and confusing navigation/design patterns.

Microsoft is setting relatively strict guidelines and rules for developers to follow regarding Fluent Design. The issue you're observing isn't due to loose or unclear guidelines, it's due to the early stages of Fluent Design. Fluent Design is only in the very first stage of development, and hasn't even implemented all five of its elements yet. You have to remember the nature of the Insider program, and how it is separate to what consumers are seeing. The vast majority of Windows users won't see Fluent Design until this fall, when the first stage will be done.

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