Is not just the App Gap, is also the Quality of Apps

Dante X

New member
Sep 28, 2011
Today, I used Uber on my father's iPhone and I was impressed. The app was FAST, beautiful, animated, and really easy to use. Compared to that, the WM10 app looks like garbage.

Why developers don't put the same effort on making the apps as beautiful as the other platforms. :straight:
Today, I used Uber on my father's iPhone and I was impressed. The app was FAST, beautiful, animated, and really easy to use. Compared to that, the WM10 app looks like garbage.

Why developers don't put the same effort on making the apps as beautiful as the other platforms. :straight:

To some of the developers, it might be possible that the point is that it is there and that it generally works.
Today, I used Uber on my father's iPhone and I was impressed. The app was FAST, beautiful, animated, and really easy to use. Compared to that, the WM10 app looks like garbage.

Why developers don't put the same effort on making the apps as beautiful as the other platforms. :straight:
The answer is, less than 1% of the market. That's the real answer. Why should they put any effort into it for such little return?
Today, I used Uber on my father's iPhone and I was impressed. The app was FAST, beautiful, animated, and really easy to use. Compared to that, the WM10 app looks like garbage.

Why developers don't put the same effort on making the apps as beautiful as the other platforms. :straight:

Exactly, although I understand why they put so little effort into an app that's basically being used by so few people. Just like your "Uber" example, my insurance company's app is totally different. On the Android app I can split payments and set up so many different options, while my WP app is as basic as it gets.
Exactly, although I understand why they put so little effort into an app that's basically being used by so few people. Just like your "Uber" example, my insurance company's app is totally different. On the Android app I can split payments and set up so many different options, while my WP app is as basic as it gets.

I fully understand this and agree with you, but can't you do that on your computer? Are you in a situation where you only have a smartphone for these types of transactions?

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I don't think a small market share is really an excuse to not update apps, and keep them on par with iOS and Android. If a developer is going to bother with Windows 10 Mobiles, then they need to do it right or not bother at all!
I fully understand this and agree with you, but can't you do that on your computer? Are you in a situation where you only have a smartphone for these types of transactions?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

Yes, I do but that wasn't really my point. An example though of when the app does make a difference is when buying a new car for my daughter. The dealership required insurance info that I could just pull up on my phone, unfortunately the same app on my 950 doesn't have all that. Now I can pretty much work around any app situation( except my work) but I guess I'm spoiled by convienance. Lol. I do rough it though some days because I just miss the 950.
Yes, I do but that wasn't really my point. An example though of when the app does make a difference is when buying a new car for my daughter. The dealership required insurance info that I could just pull up on my phone, unfortunately the same app on my 950 doesn't have all that. Now I can pretty much work around any app situation( except my work) but I guess I'm spoiled by convienance. Lol. I do rough it though some days because I just miss the 950.

Fully understand convenience. Technology has given us convenience while at the same time handcuffing us into thinking we "need" it. I'm trying to find a comfortable middle ground where I don't feel I'm being forced to use it all the time just for the privilege of purchasing a product or service, but its not easy. I think that's why I stick with WM as it gives me what I need without overwhelming me with too much. I don't find myself looking at my phone every 5 minutes yet I get by with necessities. Its certainly a personal choice though and we all have different scenarios in our lives. That's why its good to have choices.

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One thing that I will say makes it a little better is the ability to create live tiles from web pages with whatever logo from the site you want.
Can we talk about the quality of first party apps? I can't count how many times I've been sent a picture of a restaurant menu asking
"what do you want"
And I reply with exactly what I want.
Only for them to come back to work with nothing because
"you never texted me back!"
Even though I clearly did
Windows 10 is such ****.
Can we talk about the quality of first party apps? I can't count how many times I've been sent a picture of a restaurant menu asking
"what do you want"
And I reply with exactly what I want.
Only for them to come back to work with nothing because
"you never texted me back!"
Even though I clearly did
Windows 10 is such ****.

Is texting a common problem on W10 because I've never experienced it?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
have you seen fishermen fishing in the dead sea ?

you should have good environment in the sea before you complain you can't eat fishes in the restaurant

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