Hey folks. I am and have been an android user for years. Recently, ok let's say it was because of Cortana, I have been thinking about switching to a WP. I am on T-Mobile now, which I don't much like, and would be thinking about going back to Verizon. The problem I am finding is that these two carriers think WP is a third rate OS. I say this because of the lack of quality WP devices they have. I am an IT guy, so I love the latest/greatest and go for performance over flash. It seems like AT&T is the only carrier around the US to be embracing WP at all, and I won't go with them because of cost and service. So, I find myself in a dilemma.
Seems like there is no good place for me in WP world right now. I have looked at the M8 at Verizon and the camera isn't nearly good enough and what T-Mobile has is barely any better. So, should I just hold off and hope for something good next year?
Seems like there is no good place for me in WP world right now. I have looked at the M8 at Verizon and the camera isn't nearly good enough and what T-Mobile has is barely any better. So, should I just hold off and hope for something good next year?