I hate to say this; but 820's all over the world have been updated with GDR2 and they don't seem to be having a problem with them. Everyone keeps saying WAIT, it will happen. Well they said the end of September, so I will wait until the end of September. But from what I have heard the people that own 920's on AT&T have not been updated either, but customers with 920's in other parts of our dear planet have gotten the update without problems. Sure sounds like an AT&T problem. I really like the 820; but to tell the truth it would not bother me to go back to Android ( I have two Android tablets). I have already set aside the money to get a different phone in case AT&T has turned its back on WP8. But for now I am waiting; but I will not wait forever. What really bothers me is if they are having this much trouble getting out GDR2 how long do you think they will take getting out the next two updates that are much larger and more complicated. Food for thought.