Is there a fix for the Windows 10 I P slow and fast rings?


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Feb 15, 2014
Windows 10 I P slow and fast rings

After the latest update to 10074 I have noticed that the windows update has changed to the slow ring. If I change it to fast and go back to the windows update page the ring is switched back to slow once again!! There is no option/button to save the update feature on fast ring. Is this is a glitch or a deliberate attempt by MS to keep it to slow ring? Is there a fix?
Re: Windows 10 I P slow and fast rings

Here's how fix this, tap on check for updates, while checking quickly go to settings and change it to fast, your pc will automatically check for fast ring updates
Note that: You may need to do this more than one time
Re: Windows 10 I P slow and fast rings

Here's how fix this, tap on check for updates, while checking quickly go to settings and change it to fast, your pc will automatically check for fast ring updates
Note that: You may need to do this more than one time
That doesnt seem to work.even now in the latest build it is still doing it. I know that if I check for updates without the slow or fast ring option I still get the latest updates like on the fast ring but the advanced settings stilll shows the slow ring. However on my second latop I have the fast ring. i think it is mainly to do with the settings on how the update is installed, as in If the setting is to notify to schedule a restart it is in slow and the other laptop is on automatic and it works like a charm

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