Is there a successor to the 920?


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Mar 30, 2011
Is there a successor to the 920?

I know the 1520 just came out but that is more of a phablet. Is the 928 the successor to the 920 or are we still waiting for it to come out? If we are waiting does anyone know a time frame?
Is there a successor to the 920?

I know the 1520 just came out but that is more of a phablet. Is the 928 the successor to the 920 or are we still waiting for it to come out? If we are waiting does anyone know a time frame?

both the 928 and the 925 were minor upgrades to the 920, the 925 being the better of the two devices, as far as "successor" to the 920, some would argue that the yet to be released 929 for Verizon is the "successor" to the 920 or that the 1020 was the "successor" so as you can see your question is a bit of a roll of the dice or dependent on who you talk to and what day you talk to them on lol, I guess i would ask you what prompted the question, if have the 920 then your not on Verizon so your choices become much better, the 925 and 1020 are much better phones on a whole than the 920, the 928 was not as good of a phone as it should have been.
It is likely that there won't be a successor to the 920 until Windows Phone 8.1 comes out probably around //build 2014 on April 2nd. At that point we might see a might see a Lumia 930.
Is there a successor to the 920?


The 925, 928 and the 1020 are all just variations of the 920. A good analogy for the 1020 is a car model, that you can buy with manual or automatic transmission. Nobody would argue that the car with automatic transmission is the successor to the identical car with a manual transmission. The automatic transmission is just an extra option for drivers that want it, just as the 1020 comes with the extended camera module, again, for those smartphone users that want it... it's still fundamentally the same device.


The 1520 is definitely a more advanced device than the 920, but due to its size, can't be considered a successor to the 920 either, just as nobody would consider a pick-up-truck to be the natural successor to a sedan. That is pretty much the situation with the 1520 (this years' newest pick-up-truck) and the 920 (last year's sedan).

Technically, the 929 may be considered a successor to the 920, but it is a carrier specific variant, whereas the 920 was sold internationally. The international model is traditionally also what AT&T carries. That will be the true successor of the 920, but it has yet to step onto the stage. I suspect we'll see it revealed at MWC next February.
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I don't see anything out there as a successor yet. I'm betting a 930 next year with ATT. I hope it has BUILT IN wireless charging.
Thanks for the responses. The reason I ask is, I want to give windows another run. I do like the 920 but at this point late 2013 I don't know if its worth buying a phone that has been out for more than a year when the next one lets say (930) will be out within the next 90 days or so. I was thinking of the 1520, but that is pretty big for my liking. The iPhone 5s which I am on now is just to small and I have been bored of the os for the past two years or so. I have tried the 920 when it first came out and liked it, but it was not the right time for me then.

I believe I am now ready for a windows phone. If waiting another 60 or 90 days to make the switch would benefit me then I will wait without any issues. So that is why I asked about the next windows phone.

Thanks again
Thanks for the responses. The reason I ask is, I want to give windows another run. I do like the 920 but at this point late 2013 I don't know if its worth buying a phone that has been out for more than a year when the next one lets say (930) will be out within the next 90 days or so. I was thinking of the 1520, but that is pretty big for my liking. The iPhone 5s which I am on now is just to small and I have been bored of the os for the past two years or so. I have tried the 920 when it first came out and liked it, but it was not the right time for me then.

I believe I am now ready for a windows phone. If waiting another 60 or 90 days to make the switch would benefit me then I will wait without any issues. So that is why I asked about the next windows phone.

Thanks again

based on your response and dependent on your carrier i would make the following recommendations, if your on Verizon, wait for the 929, the 928 just isn't a very good phone, however if your on att or t mobile ( or any GSM carrier ) it would come down to 3 factors 1-price, 2-camera 3- form factor, if you have already ruled out the 1520 due to size then your choice's are the 920, 925, 1020, each has it own distinct advantage, 920 will be cheapest and is a solid phone, the 925 is the best of both worlds, very good camera, lightest of three but limited internal storage, the 1020 has the very best camera is lighter than the 920 yet still has 32gig internal storage, if your big on games than 920-1020 your best option, if gaming is not that big of a deal to you than 925 is the best bang for the buck, its the lightest of the 3 phones has a very good camera ( especially low light ) and most similar to the Iphone in material feel ( both 920 and 1020 have polycarbonate shells while the 925 is a metal shell ) also note, if you play the "waiting game" for newest and best phone you will always be waiting, no one ever wins that game. hope this helps
also note, if you play the "waiting game" for newest and best phone you will always be waiting, no one ever wins that game. hope this helps

This is true for most tech gadgets, most of the time, but it is not true all the time. If we were talking about Android, where new devices are released every month and each comes with miniscule improvements over last month's model, I would completely agree... buy anytime... don't wait. Since we are talking about WP (the same also applies to iOS), I disagree. The hardware platforms for these devices are upgraded far less frequently, once a year or less. Buying a Snapdragon S4 based WP smartphone today, means you are buying the device at the very tail end of its lifecycle. That hardware chassis will be phased out during Q1 of 2014 and superseded by the Snapdragon 800 models. The only exceptions will be the budget models like the 525. The 525 is always a good choice, but if you are set on a high end WP device, now is not the right time.
This is true for most tech gadgets, most of the time, but it is not true all the time. If we were talking about Android, where new devices are released every month and each comes with miniscule improvements over last month's model, I would completely agree... buy anytime... don't wait. Since we are talking about WP (the same also applies to iOS), I disagree. The hardware platforms for these devices are upgraded far less frequently, once a year or less. Buying a Snapdragon S4 based WP smartphone today, means you are buying the device at the very tail end of its lifecycle. That hardware chassis will be phased out during Q1 of 2014 and superseded by the Snapdragon 800 models. The only exceptions will be the budget models like the 525. The 525 is always a good choice, but if you are set on a high end WP device, now is not the right time.

I agree in part to this, my response was based on the OPs stated time frame of 30-90 days, other than the 1520 and the soon to be released (early January ) 929 there are no other WP slated to be released any earlier than May-June 2014 based on the Snapdragon 800, furthermore unlike android, the WP OS is optimized to run smoothly on all WP device regardless of hardware specs, also at present there are very few apps or games that are currently available that can/will take advantage of the new quadcore processors, as such, if the OP were to purchase a current upper end version of a WP now, they would be eligible for a upgrade ( with the new upgrade plans by US carriers ) in 12 months which should give the OP a much broader range of choices of phones as well as allowing the market place to flesh out more apps capable of taking advantage of the new processor, i understand your argument of "end of its lifecycle" unfortunately, in my view, this game of waiting for the next big thing cannot be won, there will always be a bigger faster phone "right around the corner" and unless you have very deep pockets and can afford to purchase a new phone every 6 months you will always be disappointed with your purchase if you engage in this mentality
I agree in part to this, my response was based on the OPs stated time frame of 30-90 days, other than the 1520 and the soon to be released (early January ) 929 there are no other WP slated to be released any earlier than May-June 2014 based on the Snapdragon 800, furthermore unlike android, the WP OS is optimized to run smoothly on all WP device regardless of hardware specs, also at present there are very few apps or games that are currently available that can/will take advantage of the new quadcore processors, as such, if the OP were to purchase a current upper end version of a WP now, they would be eligible for a upgrade ( with the new upgrade plans by US carriers ) in 12 months which should give the OP a much broader range of choices of phones as well as allowing the market place to flesh out more apps capable of taking advantage of the new processor, i understand your argument of "end of its lifecycle" unfortunately, in my view, this game of waiting for the next big thing cannot be won, there will always be a bigger faster phone "right around the corner" and unless you have very deep pockets and can afford to purchase a new phone every 6 months you will always be disappointed with your purchase if you engage in this mentality

Edit: Oops replied to wrong comment
Is there a successor to the 920?

I know the 1520 just came out but that is more of a phablet. Is the 928 the successor to the 920 or are we still waiting for it to come out? If we are waiting does anyone know a time frame?

Yes, it will be released alongside wp8.1 (may-ish)
my response was based on the OPs stated time frame of 30-90 days, other than the 1520 and the soon to be released (early January ) 929 there are no other WP slated to be released any earlier than May-June 2014 based on the Snapdragon 800

We completely agree on most things. The above is probably the source of the little bit we disagree on. If we won't see the next batch of Snapdragon 800 based models for another seven months (June), and the OP can upgrade to another smartphone after a year, then I completely agree that waiting makes little sense. However, I'm expecting the next batch of Snapdragon 800 based models by March.

May/June is when I'm expecting the first handsets to be released with WP 8.1, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all newer hardware must be put on hold until then, does it?
We completely agree on most things. The above is probably the source of the little bit we disagree on. If we won't see the next batch of Snapdragon 800 based models for another seven months (June), and the OP can upgrade to another smartphone after a year, then I completely agree that waiting makes little sense. However, I'm expecting the next batch of Snapdragon 800 based models by March.

May/June is when I'm expecting the first handsets to be released with WP 8.1, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all newer hardware must be put on hold until then, does it?

you have a very good point here, i guess if more quadcore based phones are released in the time frame you suggest then waiting would be a viable option for the OPs stated time frame, however most of the announced up coming phones that i'm aware of are based on Blue (WP8.1) which to my understanding will be announced at Build 2014 in April hence my may-june time line for the phones to be released

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