Is this legit?


New member
Nov 4, 2012

I was just browsing some local smartphone websites and I read article about Lumia Denim update and bumped into this image:

lumia denim.jpg

As you can see, the tiles are separated by categories and I think its a great idea and it looks cool. Did I missed something? Anyone knows about this? Is this part of the Denim update? Or GDR2?

I have it also. I'm running Cyan plus DP8.1 update 1 on my 920.
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
That is just the folders from 8.1 Update 1. The categories you refer to are added by the user and image you posted shows an open folder.
Well I figured it out, but I dont know how to get rid of that small tile, if I click on it, it gets back up in one small tile, if I click on it again, it creates live folder. What am I missing?

Oh I understand now, it only works as a roll down menu or something. Thats pitty, I thought I can have it like that permanently without needing that basic folder :/
There is an app in the Store that allows you to put tiles onto your home screen with the explicit purpose of making spacers as a means to organize your start screen. It's called "HeaderTiles"
There is an app in the Store that allows you to put tiles onto your home screen with the explicit purpose of making spacers as a means to organize your start screen. It's called "HeaderTiles"

Yea thanks but its not as good as this official function :/
In your original post, I thought you were looking for a way to seperate tiles by categories, which is why I mentioned Header Tiles. The Folder option only shows the header once the folder is open.

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