Is this Windows 11 feature a handy tool or a way to shame those who don't pay for Microsoft services?

It looks like it shows the subscription expiry date, so I guess that might be of some help to some people. I'm not sure that it's going to shame anyone though, if it only displays information for subscriptions that you have. If it showed all possible subscriptions and told you if you didn't have them then I might buy that but not otherwise. It does seem like mostly fluff but no more nefarious than that, I think.
Microsoft truly working on the important updates for the latest version of world's largest desktop end-user operating system I see.
It would not shame me, I pay for what I use, not for something I don't. If the Goons and the BBc don't worry me for not paying for a TV licence even with all their letters they send me, then Microsoft is certainly not going to worry or shame me.
I presume this will only p[op up with a MS account., something I don't and will never have.
What's with the tabloid style articles recently? This isn't shaming anyone. It only shows subscriptions that you already have. If you don't have any, it doesn't show anything.

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