Is wireless charging worth it?


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May 22, 2014
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Hey guys, I'm from South Africa and for some reason my Lumia 930 came with a really good headset but not a wireless charger. Now, I can buy an official Nokia one (like European 930's come with in the box) at a decent price. My question is, is it worth it? I've heard it's really convenient and easy to use. The money isn't a problem either, but then again, I'm not pulling my hair out because I have to use a normal charger, so this falls in the "would be a nice Christmas treat to myself" category.

What do you guys think? Also, will it charge at the same pace as with my normal, "wired" charger?


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Nov 12, 2012
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Its not going to charge as fast and it puts out more heat.
But for me, its worth the sheer convenience of not having to plug it in, unplug it, especially in the dark.
The sheer cool factor.
Less wear on the plug, not that its a big deal.
And I don't have to worry about a cable sticking out the bottom


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Jul 18, 2012
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I didn't have much hopes, but it was faster than I had hoped. Now I have 3 wireless chargers at home and one CR-200 in my car.

Think of it this way, earlier, I used to charge twice a day using the wired charger, each time waiting for the battery to go below a certain level. Now my phone charges almost anytime is not in my hands and my battery is always near 100%


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Sep 30, 2014
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I think it's a silly gimmick that comes at the price of heft. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the size of Nokia devices, but I'd much rather they put in a bigger battery than the induction coil used for Qi charging.

I mean, its a solution looking for a problem imo. Yes, it's cool but considering the charging plate is not any more portable than a regular charger, what's really the point? You still need an outlet, you still need to have the charger with you.

If you're at an airport would you bring your traditional charger or your charging plate?

Nokia should just put in a bigger battery imo.


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Sep 30, 2014
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I didn't have much hopes, but it was faster than I had hoped. Now I have 3 wireless chargers at home and one CR-200 in my car.

Think of it this way, earlier, I used to charge twice a day using the wired charger, each time waiting for the battery to go below a certain level. Now my phone charges almost anytime is not in my hands and my battery is always near 100%

Well that's not really a benefit of wireless charging now is it? Just means you're conscious enough to charge your device anytime you leave the house.

You could very well buy multiple chargers and use them in the home, office, and the car. Your phone will always be charged too.


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Jun 24, 2012
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I've got a 930 and I used the charging plate for about 3 weeks because well it was a new thing now I find that I use the cable more but then that's more because if I leave it on the plate I know out cat would end up knocking it off during the night and id be screwed in the morning when I have to go work and have no battery!


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I think it's a silly gimmick that comes at the price of heft. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the size of Nokia devices, but I'd much rather they put in a bigger battery than the induction coil used for Qi charging.

I mean, its a solution looking for a problem imo. Yes, it's cool but considering the charging plate is not any more portable than a regular charger, what's really the point? You still need an outlet, you still need to have the charger with you.

If you're at an airport would you bring your traditional charger or your charging plate?

Nokia should just put in a bigger battery imo.

I have the ICON, 929 and use only wireless charging. In the US we have a Carrier called Verizon that is a PIA when it comes to phone support. I would have moved to the 1520 on AT&T if they had not killed Qi charging. As for using wireless charging at the airport; REALY, you just use the plug in method like everyone else; empty excuse.


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Dec 13, 2013
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Personally, I don't find ANY advantage in wireless charging...

- slower charging
- impossible to work with the phone while wirelessly charging

+ it's WIRELESS and COOL!!!...
Uhmmm, no, it isn't... in fact there is wire, but instead of plugging it into your phone, it leads to the pad... What a difference...


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Apr 14, 2014
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I personally wouldn't pay extra for it. I got mine bundled with my 1520. I have to admit I do quite like it. I keep it by my bedside and it acts as my alarm clock overnight and I can keep my eye on Glance for any notifications etc and for someone who uses their phone all day it keeps it charged til the following night.


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May 5, 2014
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Hell yeah, I have it on table and every time I go sleep I just put my phone on it.. And if its dark in the room its much more easier... And the charger cost like $40 witch is no so much. In my opinion it worth the money.. Also in case you would have to buy a cover ...


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Mar 14, 2014
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Unless you are someone who constantly uses their phone while charging it just makes it easier to charge without dealing with a cable. I've seen a few Ikea hacks where they've put charging plates into tables and nightstands'. Also the plate along looks more cleaner on a table than a use of a cord. Also having the option is better than no option at all.


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Oct 3, 2013
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It's good feature, but it's not useful for most people because you need to buy a charger (extensive).
I'd like to have the latest version of QI charger by Nokia, it will look great in my room ;)

+ out could be really helpful of you have the wireless QI charger, put out in your pocket and charge your phone, great for travelers
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Nov 19, 2012
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Wireless charging is very handy and so convenient, but is a bit slower than wired charging ! you should check out the dt - 903 charger and hopefully it should be for sale soon or near Xmas.


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Sep 30, 2014
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I have the ICON, 929 and use only wireless charging. In the US we have a Carrier called Verizon that is a PIA when it comes to phone support. I would have moved to the 1520 on AT&T if they had not killed Qi charging. As for using wireless charging at the airport; REALY, you just use the plug in method like everyone else; empty excuse.

Okay fine, wireless charging is the best thing since sliced bread. All phones should be thicker and have a subpar battery capacity to accommodate this feature that can only be taken advantage of at the home/office.

You happy?


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Sep 30, 2014
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Wireless charging is very handy and so convenient, but is a bit slower than wired charging ! you should check out the dt - 903 charger and hopefully it should be for sale soon or near Xmas.

Not a bit slower, it's considerably slower than conventional charging. It's a solution looking for a problem imo.


Jan 14, 2011
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Yes, imo it's worth it. I can't remember the last time I plugged in my Lumia. I've got the plate at my office when working, got the stand for using it as nightstand clock, and the jbl charging speaker in my kitchen. Play music and charge while cooking. :)


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Oct 29, 2012
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I was fairly excited on the prospect of using wireless charging. That kind of depleted after I actually used it. Didn't seem all that great to me. Sure its a minor convenience but I don't think the benefit is as deal breaking as a lot of people make it out to be.

I wont miss it if I don't have it.


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Sep 27, 2014
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Guys check amazon or ebay for any Qi compatible charger. Im buying mines for 9€, I have a few at home. I even got one with a 5000 mah battery built in, wich I can just move around... If i want to cook, watch a movie or whatever and the phone doesnt have power just turn the battery on and boom, wireless power everywhere.

Its amazing, im not getting any phone now without Qi!


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Wow, it's really a mixed bag here. People love it or could care less, and to each their own...

Personally, I think it's one of the greatest features on a phone. Here is my case, my nightstand is a dark stain, so for years, I had to turn on the light, find the USB cable, get the angle right (not upside down) to get my phone charged. For the last 3 or so years, I have used Wireless charging (last 3 phones have had it), Now, I just use the phone's light, find my wireless charger (it's white so it's easy to see on the dark stained nightstand), Drop on, see the light, and go to bed.

A lot quicker. It's a preference, is it slower ? Maybe about 5%-8% slower from what I have read, and in the long run, is that really a big deal ? It's got a nifty factor and it's easy, no cables to deal with.

Expensive ? Crap you can go on ebay and get one for $5-10....they normally don't cost more than a good usb charger (brand name)...

To the OP, if you shop around you can find one cheap, try it out for a bit, if you don't like it, go back to USB, I loved it., I have 3-4 wireless chargers,. some for travel and others for by the TV, in the office, etc...It's great !

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