It turns out T-Mobile really is throttling all video through BingeOn, according to the EFF

Windows Central

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Dec 17, 2013
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It turns out there's a lot more to BingeOn than "optimizing".
There's been a lot of talk for the last year or so over how closely T-Mobile walks the line between violating Net Neutrality with their features, and when BingeOn was announced that conversation got louder than ever. A service that promised to work with specific providers to make streaming video free, as long as you agreed to only stream in 480p from those providers. For budget-savvy consumers, this seemed like a pretty sweet deal. For anyone interested in making sure T-Mobile treats everything you do you on your phone the same way, it sounded like a nightmare that would no only be difficult to manage but next to impossible to keep from stepping on the toes of content providers who weren't partners.

A couple of weeks ago, YouTube ? which is not a BingeOn partner ? claimed T-Mobile was throttling content without explanation or permission. T-Mobile quickly responded with a statement claiming what YouTube viewers experienced was optimization, and not throttling. Thanks to some thorough testing from the EFF, we now know what T-Mobile is doing to videos that aren't included in BingeOn is exactly throttling, and brings the company even closer to the line between violating and not violating Net Neutrality laws.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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