Just Broke tablet ;(


New member
Dec 20, 2011
I just cracked the screen to my HP envy x2, and I'm pretty upset about it. I did get the accidental damage plan, so because my computer is water damaged + broken screen, I'll just get my money back for the tablet, I really liked it too. I would buy another one since its actually less now than what I originally bought it for, but still, because haswell just launched, I think my next tablet is going to be a haswell. Please share your thoguhts, as it sucks that I'm going to have to wait until around august for all the haswell notebooks/tablets to come out, but also that there will probably be some good back to school sales which I've learned is one of the best times to buy a computer, that and holiday season are the 2 best times.

I want to go with a haswell instead of an atom mainly because of the power. The atoms were perfectly capable of running windows 8 just fine, sometimes my tablet was a little sluggish, but overall it was pretty good. The new claims of battery life for haswell seem pretty impressive, that and rumours that intel might kill the atom line because if haswell really is getting what most manufactures are claiming for their new convertibles, around 8-10 hours of battery life which is pretty impressive, so even if those figures aren't correct (and I'm sure they're not when ALL computer manufactures over estimate their battery life, even if they are actually around 7-9, thats impressive)!

Which means there won't really be too much of a point to the atoms since they will only get like 1-2 hours more and be a lot less powerful.

I REALLY want to see what the surface pro 2 is because I really liked the surface pro and would have picked one up in a heartbeat if it weren't for the 4.5-5 hour batter life, which defeats the point of a tablet IMHO. Probably my favorite ultrabook at the moment is the aspire s7 and the lenovo yoga, but since the acer isn't a convertible and the yoga doesn't hav ean active digitizer I didn't really want to get one. This time around, I think I really want an active digitzer as the hp envy x2 was suppossed to have an optional one and then it seems that hp droped support for it afte rthe product came out. Tell me what you think looks interesting, aside from the fact tha tit will be wise to wait and see what comes out at computex and what micrsoft decides to announce!
I'm sorry to hear your HP tablet is broken.

I'm pretty much doing the same thing as you, though, other than having broken tablet. I want a tablet, but I'm waiting for the back-to-school sales. Lenovo is what I've been most interested in, and I want to see what new Yogas are out.
Wow it took me a while to look back at this thread lol, in any case, I would love to see a new yoga w/ haswell. A good example of what haswell can do: I read that the acer aspire s7 that previously got around 6 hours of battery life gets about 12 hours now with haswell because they put haswell into it and put a slightly, but not double capactiy battery into it, itnow gets 12 hours! If lenovo could do the same, put a slightly bigger battery and haswell, I would be very happy with 10+ hours. I'm also waiting to see what MS brings to the table with the surface 2. The problem with the first one was that it had too little battery life, around 5 hours. Now if they could put haswell + fanless tablet, that would rock. I want to see what they are going to do.

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