Just got the Radar....feeling like I may have made a mistake...


New member
Aug 15, 2011
I found a Radar on Craigslist for $250 and snagged it right away (I'm prepaid and don't want to sign a contract with anyone yet until I find a carrier that is right). I thought T-Mobile was the carrier for me until this weekend, when I traveled back to my hometown to visit family. T-Mobile's coverage isn't good when traveling country roads, but AT&T worked fine when traveling (and Sprint).

Aside from carrier issues (which I hate AT&T prepaid because it is still too expensive), there are two reasons I feel like getting the Radar was a mistake:

1. I don't really feel like the Radar is different from my Arrive and HD7 besides the better screen and front facing camera (which I've started to not care about anymore because I never use it on any device I've owned that had one).

2. It appears it is under-powered compared to other 2nd gen WP7 devices. The Focus Flash, for instance, has a 1.4ghz and Super-AMOLED (which I love after using the OG Focus and Nexus S). I thought I was safe because all Windows Phone devices have universal specs (aside from camera and screen) but I guess I was wrong.

Any help?
I found a Radar on Craigslist for $250 and snagged it right away (I'm prepaid and don't want to sign a contract with anyone yet until I find a carrier that is right). I thought T-Mobile was the carrier for me until this weekend, when I traveled back to my hometown to visit family. T-Mobile's coverage isn't good when traveling country roads, but AT&T worked fine when traveling (and Sprint).

Aside from carrier issues (which I hate AT&T prepaid because it is still too expensive), there are two reasons I feel like getting the Radar was a mistake:

1. I don't really feel like the Radar is different from my Arrive and HD7 besides the better screen and front facing camera (which I've started to not care about anymore because I never use it on any device I've owned that had one).

2. It appears it is under-powered compared to other 2nd gen WP7 devices. The Focus Flash, for instance, has a 1.4ghz and Super-AMOLED (which I love after using the OG Focus and Nexus S). I thought I was safe because all Windows Phone devices have universal specs (aside from camera and screen) but I guess I was wrong.

Any help?
there is very little hardware differentiation in Windows Phones to be had other than front camera and screen. The fact that they feel similar to your previous devices could be the fact that they were both HTC devices.

regarding processor performance differences between the Focus Flash and the Radar, most reviews comparing the two say there is little to no difference. If you're looking for a performance monster you should look at the Titan for $500. Simply put there is no better Windows Phone that supports T-Mobile 3G.

For me The Radar is the perfect mix of performance and affordability which seems to be the reason you bought it.
Well, I do know that ALL the 2nd gen windows phones have the 8255 Scropion (?) GPU (which is still actually horribly outdated for games and such, but because there are no REAL games for WP7 it doesn't matter). The only difference is that the Radar is underclocked to 1ghz (which if there is a way to overclock then I'm good anyway, but I know it's not as easy as Android to do).

I just don't understand why WP7 always has devices with last-year specs. I'm not a spec whore, and specs are one of the reasons I hate Android is because specs are what sells phones and not optimized software. But still....it would be nice to have a LITTLE more power for what we are paying for.

Plus, I don't think I can get an AT&T 2nd gen WP7 device to have 3G on T-Mobile anyway, and I REFUSE to pay AT&T with their ridiculous pricing (even on prepaid). I just hate that T-Mobile doesn't work like I thought it would on country roads...
...I REFUSE to pay AT&T with their ridiculous pricing (even on prepaid). I just hate that T-Mobile doesn't work like I thought it would on country roads...

T-Mobile has great pricing. I had T-Mobile for while here in Chicago.

I use an AT&T Pay As You Go SIM card in my work phone. I pay $15 a month for 100mb of data and $4.99 a month for 200 text messages. I rarely make phone calls from it. I don't think that's too bad.
I also have a Radar. Having come from a Nexus S. Specs are somewhat overrated for Windows Phones. Sure, I could gripe about the limited onboard storage, but if you are not overly concerned with specs, the phone is great. Because the software runs great on it.

That and even with an over clock (which I don't believe is possible) you'd only get games and such loading marginally faster. I had a look at the Titan forums, and there seems to be a bit of issue with the phone. All in all, battery and everything are great, so aside from the all but nonexistent speed difference that you would have from a faster processor I think you'll be just fine once you settle in to WP7.

But like you I'm waiting on the next batch of phones and hopefully something good from Nokia to upgrade to in about 6 months. Amoled, storage, etc.

Sent from my HTC Raedahr 4G using Board Express
T-Mobile has great pricing. I had T-Mobile for while here in Chicago.

I use an AT&T Pay As You Go SIM card in my work phone. I pay $15 a month for 100mb of data and $4.99 a month for 200 text messages. I rarely make phone calls from it. I don't think that's too bad.

I have been thinking about going this route, and to just pop the AT&T SIM(with only a talk package) in when my coverage poops out. I would have to unlock the phone to do this right?
Yes, carrier unlock is needed. I got a T-Mo sim a few days ago. Coverage at my house sucks. Not a legitimate option for me.

Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using Tapatalk
Yes, carrier unlock is needed. I got a T-Mo sim a few days ago. Coverage at my house sucks. Not a legitimate option for me.

Sent from my HTC Inspire 4G using Tapatalk

So I buy the unlock code from one of those sites, use it, and then go buy an AT&T SIM and use that for when I need talk? Sounds like a good plan....

I love GSM and am finding more reasons to never even look back at Sprint lol
if you have an Arrive and Sprint coverage is good for you, why not keep the Arrive? I love mine, and my signal is great. The Titan is something cool, but if you don't want AT&T (which I don't either) then it's not really an option.
if you have an Arrive and Sprint coverage is good for you, why not keep the Arrive? I love mine, and my signal is great. The Titan is something cool, but if you don't want AT&T (which I don't either) then it's not really an option.

Sprint's 3G hardly works for me when I need it (calling is perfect though nearly everywhere I go....never have dropped calls). For example, when scanning things in stores for reviews and prices, it doesn't work (especially in Wal-Mart). It has been very shaky, at times delivering good speeds and working, and other times completely failing in the exact same spots. I was told they are working on towers for their "expanded coverage and newer, faster 3G" but until it works at least 90% of the time (which it doesn't now) I can't justify paying them. The only time T-Mobile hasn't worked so far (losing complete signal) is on the country roads I sometimes travel on (which I only travel on 2 weekends out of the month to go to my hometown).

For what I paid for with Sprint (around 75 a month after discounts and such) and what I can pay for with T-Mobile (same thing, only limited data at 5gb, which I won't hit) I figure I might as well go with T-Mobile because I can actually USE my phone (plus they have better a 2nd gen Windows Phone, which Sprint won't get).

If the AT&T unlock code thing works, and I can just pop an AT&T SIM in when I lose T-Mobile coverage, then I'm good. There are times, however, when I would see my carrier as AT&T on the Radar; does this mean I'm ALREADY using AT&T and roam on their network or something?
I found a Radar on Craigslist for $250 and snagged it right away (I'm prepaid and don't want to sign a contract with anyone yet until I find a carrier that is right). I thought T-Mobile was the carrier for me until this weekend, when I traveled back to my hometown to visit family. T-Mobile's coverage isn't good when traveling country roads, but AT&T worked fine when traveling (and Sprint).

Aside from carrier issues (which I hate AT&T prepaid because it is still too expensive), there are two reasons I feel like getting the Radar was a mistake:

1. I don't really feel like the Radar is different from my Arrive and HD7 besides the better screen and front facing camera (which I've started to not care about anymore because I never use it on any device I've owned that had one).

2. It appears it is under-powered compared to other 2nd gen WP7 devices. The Focus Flash, for instance, has a 1.4ghz and Super-AMOLED (which I love after using the OG Focus and Nexus S). I thought I was safe because all Windows Phone devices have universal specs (aside from camera and screen) but I guess I was wrong.

Any help?

Here is my take... turn on Roaming (It's free on my plan anyways) and select AT&T as your network if you don't get good T-Mobile reception.

To #1, Outside of the obvious like better (bigger than the Arrive) screen, front facing camera, and no keyboard the Radar has better battery life than the Arrive and HD7. It actually has the best battery life of all the WP7 devices.

To #2. It has that great battery life because it does not have the beefy processor or a huge screen. I personally am a battery whore and live the radar for this fact. Also I have played with all the WP7 devices in the US except for the Focus Flash and honestly they all run just as fast to me. When playing games I noticed the HD7 had the longest loading times though.

I just don't see any point in having anything above a 1Ghz processor for a WP7 device right now except to tell everybody that you have one. Performance difference is minimal and it sucks more power.
AT&T and T-Mobile do share some cell tower. When I had T-Mobile, coverage was really good in Chicago. If I went to visit my mother in law in northern Minnesota, I would lose T-Mobile coverage in parts of Wisconsin and northern Minnesota. With AT&T I had coverage the whole way including my mother in laws cabin.

My wife and I go to France, I found it easiest to just buy unbranded/unlocked GSM phones.
[EDIT: to the post above the post above mine]

^^ actually, all 2nd gen WP7 devices (so far) use a 45nm S2 SoC, vs the older 65nm S1 SoC in 1st gen. So at the very least, the power difference isn't nearly as extreme as it's made out to be. However, the GPU for all 2nd gen devices seem to be on an even level.

To be really fair, I've linked a YT video in the WPCentral forum past, comparing the Focus and Focus S (I made it, will look for it again if request), that included a speed loading of a web page (cleared cache), and it's honestly the largest performance difference I have noticed (~4 seconds loading CNN or Yahoo, iirc). The only other part is the latency between app switching (opening new app, in particular), though I was told samsung may have simply tweaked the animations on the Focus S.

So in all effect, there shouldn't be any noticeable difference, however, it's still nice to have. Besides, my HTC Inspire, then Moto Atrix were both plenty fast and "buttery smooth" before I got my Samsung Focus :P (though, according to most reviews of the QUAD! core ASUS Transformer Prime.... no amount of HW will save Android from a stuttering interface, only SW changes will).

When I'm using the Focus (still have some music on there I just haven't transfered over), it IS noticeable slower than my Titan in GUI feel. Though is it going to affect useage? No!

Why I have a Titan? Focus S didn't cut it, lol.
Here is my take... turn on Roaming (It's free on my plan anyways) and select AT&T as your network if you don't get good T-Mobile reception.

To #1, Outside of the obvious like better (bigger than the Arrive) screen, front facing camera, and no keyboard the Radar has better battery life than the Arrive and HD7. It actually has the best battery life of all the WP7 devices.

To #2. It has that great battery life because it does not have the beefy processor or a huge screen. I personally am a battery whore and live the radar for this fact. Also I have played with all the WP7 devices in the US except for the Focus Flash and honestly they all run just as fast to me. When playing games I noticed the HD7 had the longest loading times though.

I just don't see any point in having anything above a 1Ghz processor for a WP7 device right now except to tell everybody that you have one. Performance difference is minimal and it sucks more power.

I will have to try the roaming trick. I am on prepaid unlimited calling and texting and 5gb of web. Idk if I can roam, but I will check with Tmobile.

The more I use the Radar (especially next to my old Arrive), the more I appreciate it. The only thing I wish it had was better viewing angles and in sunlight but other than that, this is the phone of my dreams and only needs mango bug fixes. Thanks for the words of advice.
I will have to try the roaming trick. I am on prepaid unlimited calling and texting and 5gb of web. Idk if I can roam, but I will check with Tmobile.

The more I use the Radar (especially next to my old Arrive), the more I appreciate it. The only thing I wish it had was better viewing angles and in sunlight but other than that, this is the phone of my dreams and only needs mango bug fixes. Thanks for the words of advice.

Good luck! I miss the keyboard from my Arrive but that's about it. Pretty much everything else is better (even if just slightly) on the Radar. I get solid 4G through T-Mobile here and with T-Mobile my plan is $5 cheaper a month. I am on contract though 500 minutes, unlimited messages, and 5GB of high-speed.
Sprint's 3G hardly works for me when I need it (calling is perfect though nearly everywhere I go....never have dropped calls). For example, when scanning things in stores for reviews and prices, it doesn't work (especially in Wal-Mart). It has been very shaky, at times delivering good speeds and working, and other times completely failing in the exact same spots. I was told they are working on towers for their "expanded coverage and newer, faster 3G" but until it works at least 90% of the time (which it doesn't now) I can't justify paying them.

ok, I didn't realize the Sprint network wasn't that great for you. I see a lot of people on here say that, it's weird since for my area Sprint has a great signal
I get solid 4g almost everywhere as well. The only time I've had trouble with tmobile is with country roads. Other than that I actually get 4g (never got to use 4g with sprint because we never had it here in Indiana). Hopefully I can get this unlocked and use with AT&T at times of no signal.

I definitely don't miss my keyboard on the Arrive. The software keyboard works for me (although accuracy sucks now with Mango), I like candy bar phones better, and I don't miss the added bulk and brick feeling of an otherwise great device; prolly the best after my Radar when it comes to 1st Gen Windows Phones (and I've tried nearly all of them except Dell venue pro, LG quantum, and Omnia).

I think I finally found the phone I've been looking for; outside of outdated specs (which don't matter because Microsoft actually took time to re-write their OS, unlike Android) and certain missing features from the software (not the phones fault), this is the phone I've waited for for a long time since playing with an iPhone and wanting its smoothness outside of the Apple ecosystem (and horrible company ethics).

A random side note...im really starting to dig this screen and the white body; I think the combo of these two elements are what have me loving this device. People at work were impressed as well, saying it looked like an iPhone and that's what brought their attention to it. I think HTC hit a homerun with the design, and this is the first HTC I've actually loved since the Nexus One (only HTC device I actually liked hardware wise).
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I have a radar and by no means is it slow compared to other WP7 phones. Haven't seen it against Titan though but if that is faster than it should be because it's a fast CPU. But i think your problem is more with your carrier. My carrier in Australia is fairly decent and I don't get any slow issues. I've found the Radar is a pleasure to use.
Well I never thought the phone was slow....just that (because of the scar of Android) I was afraid I was getting a phone that, for instance, won't be able to handle games that may be introduced to WP7.5. Just that the device is already outdated perhaps

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