Keyboard/Word Flow not working at all!

Master Chaos5

New member
Mar 8, 2014
Hi! From the past few days, I have been facing issues with Keyboard. My Keyboard is not working at all (yeah I running Windows Phone 8.1 Dev Preview), Whenever I type a word then enter 'space' my keyboard will stuck, this happens everytime I enter space.

I tried downloading other Keyboards like English (United Kingdom) & English (India) it still wasn't working.

I tried to 'Soft-Reset' but it didn't worked either, I even tried 'Delete Suggestions added to Keyboards' but it failed as well.

I found out that this was happening due to 'Suggest me as I type' not working properly, so I turned off 'Suggest me as I type' options from Keyboard settings, and now my Keyboard is working fine.

However, now I can't use 'Spell Check', 'Word Flow' & 'Auto-Correct' and this is really really annoying. So anyone else facing this issue? Or atleast can anyone help me to solve this problem?

I don't wanna 'Hard-Reset' as I have a lot of data in the apps that I can't back-up, and I don't wanna lose it. Unless it is absolutely nessecary, or I have no other choice, then i'll have to do a 'Hard-Reset', so please someone help me out >_>

Oh btw sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
I am also having the same problem on NL820 with 8.1DP...started today in the morning. I tried all of the above things but nothing worked
Also my phone has started overheating since this problem started plus my battery is draining too 20% an hour...i ve been on8.1 for morethan a month now and didnt have any problem so far
when you are using the wordflow keyboard after each word that you type it automatically enters a space and the next word
Ok, so i had the dev preview on my 920 and had the same problem as described in the original post. I just chalked it up to it being a preview and dealt with it. Then i upgraded to a 1520 and when i installed the official cyan i have the same problem on the 1520. Now here's the weird part, i gave my son my old 920 and after a hard reset word flow and the keyboard work fine for him. I have hard reset my new 1520 3 times with and without using restore and i still have this problem....anyone have any ideas??
Gautham Vijayan has the answer: You have more than one keyboard activated on your phone - my Wordflow was working flawlessly until I added two more keyboards, then not only did it stop working, but my word-suggestions as I type disappeared along with it. Took Gautham's suggestion and removed the extra keyboards and problem solved. Thanks Gautham😊.
The answer is very simple which I found by chance. There is a key on the bottom left next to &123 which is labelled ENG. Just press it and everything will work again just as it should!

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