OK - PAY ATTENTION each phone is different - based on the set of apps installed.
Now that I've got your attention, it only takes 1 screwy app to mess with your phone !
Good advice :
- Backup all your media - Pix, vids, music, docs, etc.
- HARD RESET the device (skip the signin portion, as that will start re-installing your apps !)
- check the phone
- If it works ... REBOOT
- go to SETTINGS >> PHONE UPDATE & check for (legitimate) updates
- check the phone, again, without any extra apps
- If it works ... REBOOT
- get that list of apps & start installing them 1 by 1 (most important, first), to find the offending app (I know, that's gonna take some time !)
- reboot your phone (say after two installs) & check the newest apps for functionality
- when you start crashing again, you know which app(s) are causing it !
- OR, if you get through them all, you now have a clean install.
Now, stop crying, it didn't get that way overnite, you've got a lot of work ahead of you. :crying: :eck: :crying: :shocked: