Let's Talk now carries the Ativ S Neo


New member
Mar 25, 2011
Just noticed it tonight, I couldn't figure out upgrade pricing, every combo showed it at $449.00.
Is Let's talk a prepaid service?
Just a retailer. They sell devices for all major carriers, though sometimes their prices (on contract) are better. For some reason, I'm not seeing the option to get the ATIV S Neo on contract through this site.
Just a retailer. They sell devices for all major carriers, though sometimes their prices (on contract) are better. For some reason, I'm not seeing the option to get the ATIV S Neo on contract through this site.

Yeah, is that why its listed at the full price? I was curious if it was cheaper through them. I've pretty much decided to keep my 8XT, (which was free, when Sprint was charging $99 for it), but Sprint & WP8 is a small brotherhood...we all need to stick together!

Samsung ATIV S Neo | LetsTalk.com
Usually, retailers sell devices at better contract prices compared to buying them through a carrier.
The upgrade price at sprint is still 149.99 no ?

It is... the $49 that Sprint shows on their site includes the $100 off that new customers get for porting their number to Sprint and opening a new account. All of the phones on Sprint.com reflect this pricing. If you're a current customer looking to upgrade, add $100 to what the website shows.

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