Life after Mango?


New member
Nov 17, 2011
OK so I've switched to WP7 (Samsung Focus) after 2 years on an iPhone 3GS. Tried the iOS5 update and meh - wanted something different.

Love the new UI and the integration and tiles and calendars and email clients etc. very sweet.

Dislike the lack of apps - the half-@rsed apps (see Yelp) and lack of business apps (Good Mobile, Chase Banking etc.). I thought I can either wait until Wp7 is adopted more - or help charge the movement forward. But I will continue to evaluate - want I need to see is regular updates to WP7 with tangible improvements. They have mature platforms to reference - they should fix the little things quickly. Then on the the big things...

So here is my wishlist for Mango+ big and small:

1. Outlook. No more iPhone "like" or Andorid "like" mail clients. Give me an awesome Outlook experience for my email - as fully functional as practical as possible, on the mobile platform. MS is the sh#t when it comes to email - why not on the WP7? Email is better already - why not separate further from the competition and not look back? This includes calendars and contacts. Accept and reject meetings with reason was a big thing in Wp7 believe or not. It was one thing Apple refused to do. Revamp the email calendar experience and business users will jump.

2. Lync integration. Let me log onto a Lync online meeting on my phone without 'dialing in' when I have a WIFI connection. Why not? Why do I have to open my laptop? Let me stay online when I'm traveling so I can be truly available on chat.

3. Integrate SKYPE. Let me make a free WIFI call, let my phone ring when SKYPE calls come in. Carriers won't like it - but hey lets reach for soomething different.

4. Give me more options and settings both OS and app level: I want to be able to change brightness more than just high med low - whats wrong with a sliding scale. Let me set the landing page when my apps open (so I want to land on Sports on my USA today page - why not?). Why can't I text to a "Work" number? Let me set it to "textable".

5. Filter People Hub even more intelligently. Filter by Facebook groups for example (just an example). I want to see news feeds from people I want to see. I want more filter options - as granular and creative as possible. Give me multiple News Feeds! "Whats New - At Work", "What's New - at Home", "Whats New - at YMCA"... whatever... let me set this up.

6. WIFI tether. Seriously... make it "simple" and standard. People will jump to WP7. No more handfuls of "personal hotspot" gadgets and tethering hack cr#p! SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE. Get carriers to agree to it by default. People will HAVE to consider WP7 its such an underated differentiator.

7. Google me. Give me a choice with my search provider. Pay Google royalties to get Maps up - whatever. Stop shoving Bing down my throat and give me choice to stay with Google which is not a purist choice - its a simple fact that Google is the best search and mapping product. Let me set my phone to Google Maps and Search and its a done deal. Continue to improve Bing - but catch up to Google first... before you force WP7 to use Bing.

8. Fix the little things. Things that we already have and come to expect on Android and iOS:
- magnify the copy and paste cursor - for the love of god the magnifier helps prevent major frustration
- let me play videos and pictures in ALL and every landscape or portrait why force landscape of videos e.g. YouTube
- let me click into a text message and copy a portion of it. Why do I have to copy the whole message!!??? (this could be a user error I must admit)
- Give me a physical mute button - please!!!!?????
- 4G support with awesome battery
- oh yeh - awesome battery life - be power efficient - destroy the competition
- A quick way to go to "Now Playing" on my Zune... is that so hard? Seems like I need a turn by turn GPS to get to whats "now playing".
- let me post a photo on someone elses Wall - give me a choice - not just my own
- IE9 - put more command buttons on the app - why do I have to go to settings --> tab just to get to open windows? Safari does it perfect - don't get so fancy.
- improve the market place. I can't search and sort by rating and most dowloaded?! Really!?? Really??????
- keep shoving Wp7 down large corp throats. WHY DOES CHASE BANKING NOT HAVE a Wp7??? thats a huge answer to that question.
- Don't let half-@rsed apps get away with it. Yelp s#cks so hard - subsidize them until its right.

Geez... that's a lot of things hahaha

Your thoughts?
1) Not for me, but I got nothing against it.

2) Wha? People use that?

3) It is coming.

4) Agreed

5) I do not use all that social crap, so, eh, whatever.

6) Carrier dependent. It is available on Mango. Carriers are finally rolling out the firmware updates to support it. But it is not a guarantee you will have it. It is up to the carrier and your phone.

7) I prefer Bing over Google. But I do prefer google maps, I wish Bing maps would make some upgrades. But the lack of proper google product support is not Microsofts fault. They have stated they have done the ground work to really take better advantage of google products, but they can not release it. Google is blocking them legally. So, do not blame Microsoft, blame Google.

Part F- Youtube official app sucks, again, blockage by google. Use another YouTube app.
Park Z- Physical mute button? Who the **** has that
Park G- 4g is there, awesome battery with 4g is phone manufacture, not WP7. Qualcomm just today announced a new CPU with the 4g modem built in, so that will help with battery a lot. But no phone has awesome battery with 4g.
My Focus currently is pretty damn power efficient for me.
Part 9- I do not have Mango...yet! But on NoDo, I mean, just going to the Zune/Music Hubsoftware takes you to the now playing....

Part 17- That is Facebook. They do not own Facebook. Only offical Facebook app can do that. Not Microsofts fault.

Part 88- While there are a lot of not great apps; you should know coming from a iPhone that there are 600K + worthless and really crappy apps on iPhone. Yes, we need more big official apps, but in general, in my opinion, the app quality on WP7 is far superior to the others.
^^IMO, quality apps are still in greater abundance for the iOS platform, especially games. Doesn't help that they allow rather low level dev access, but also put decent HW into their devices (i.e, A5 SoC has the fastest mobile GPU currently [dual "module" GPU], the PS Vita will use the quad "module" version of the same thing).
You can filter people by placing those people in your own groups like "YMCA group" or "Work Group", then you can only see their feeds
OK so I've switched to WP7 (Samsung Focus) after 2 years on an iPhone 3GS. Tried the iOS5 update and meh - wanted something different.

Love the new UI and the integration and tiles and calendars and email clients etc. very sweet.

Dislike the lack of apps - the half-@rsed apps (see Yelp) and lack of business apps (Good Mobile, Chase Banking etc.). I thought I can either wait until Wp7 is adopted more - or help charge the movement forward. But I will continue to evaluate - want I need to see is regular updates to WP7 with tangible improvements. They have mature platforms to reference - they should fix the little things quickly. Then on the the big things...

So here is my wishlist for Mango+ big and small:

1. Outlook. No more iPhone "like" or Andorid "like" mail clients. Give me an awesome Outlook experience for my email - as fully functional as practical as possible, on the mobile platform. MS is the sh#t when it comes to email - why not on the WP7? Email is better already - why not separate further from the competition and not look back? This includes calendars and contacts. Accept and reject meetings with reason was a big thing in Wp7 believe or not. It was one thing Apple refused to do. Revamp the email calendar experience and business users will jump.

2. Lync integration. Let me log onto a Lync online meeting on my phone without 'dialing in' when I have a WIFI connection. Why not? Why do I have to open my laptop? Let me stay online when I'm traveling so I can be truly available on chat.

3. Integrate SKYPE. Let me make a free WIFI call, let my phone ring when SKYPE calls come in. Carriers won't like it - but hey lets reach for soomething different.

4. Give me more options and settings both OS and app level: I want to be able to change brightness more than just high med low - whats wrong with a sliding scale. Let me set the landing page when my apps open (so I want to land on Sports on my USA today page - why not?). Why can't I text to a "Work" number? Let me set it to "textable".

5. Filter People Hub even more intelligently. Filter by Facebook groups for example (just an example). I want to see news feeds from people I want to see. I want more filter options - as granular and creative as possible. Give me multiple News Feeds! "Whats New - At Work", "What's New - at Home", "Whats New - at YMCA"... whatever... let me set this up.

6. WIFI tether. Seriously... make it "simple" and standard. People will jump to WP7. No more handfuls of "personal hotspot" gadgets and tethering hack cr#p! SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE. Get carriers to agree to it by default. People will HAVE to consider WP7 its such an underated differentiator.

7. Google me. Give me a choice with my search provider. Pay Google royalties to get Maps up - whatever. Stop shoving Bing down my throat and give me choice to stay with Google which is not a purist choice - its a simple fact that Google is the best search and mapping product. Let me set my phone to Google Maps and Search and its a done deal. Continue to improve Bing - but catch up to Google first... before you force WP7 to use Bing.

8. Fix the little things. Things that we already have and come to expect on Android and iOS:
- magnify the copy and paste cursor - for the love of god the magnifier helps prevent major frustration
- let me play videos and pictures in ALL and every landscape or portrait why force landscape of videos e.g. YouTube
- let me click into a text message and copy a portion of it. Why do I have to copy the whole message!!??? (this could be a user error I must admit)
- Give me a physical mute button - please!!!!?????
- 4G support with awesome battery
- oh yeh - awesome battery life - be power efficient - destroy the competition
- A quick way to go to "Now Playing" on my Zune... is that so hard? Seems like I need a turn by turn GPS to get to whats "now playing".
- let me post a photo on someone elses Wall - give me a choice - not just my own
- IE9 - put more command buttons on the app - why do I have to go to settings --> tab just to get to open windows? Safari does it perfect - don't get so fancy.
- improve the market place. I can't search and sort by rating and most dowloaded?! Really!?? Really??????
- keep shoving Wp7 down large corp throats. WHY DOES CHASE BANKING NOT HAVE a Wp7??? thats a huge answer to that question.
- Don't let half-@rsed apps get away with it. Yelp s#cks so hard - subsidize them until its right.

Geez... that's a lot of things hahaha

Your thoughts?

Great points I agree with the top 3 Outlook Lync and Skype the WP experience must be far greater than iOS, Android and Blackberry
iPhone has physical mute switch and its nice. I have noticed that I often switch it to unmute when taking it out of my pocket though.
Quick access to now playing on WP7, just push the volume rocker button. Brings up now playing.
I'd have to agree on the Bing thing. For searching the web and news, Bing is fine. For searching local businesses, Bing is lagging Google big time. There is just no arguing it, as I have seen this in every city I have visited. Bing, and thus Local Scout, is horribly out of date on several places. Even when I go into the closed business and mark it as closed so Bing will update it, MS does nothing about it. They have changed nothing. I just don't understand how they think this is acceptable.

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