LinkedIn contact syncing broken?

I am facing the same problem indeed. It is now impossible to sync my own contact with the one I have on LinkedIn. I have checked all what I could check, both on my mobile (a new Lumia 930) and in the settings of my LinkedIn account and did not find a solution. This was working in the past on an older Lumia 800. Did something changed somewhere in LinkedIn?
I'd encourage anyone to follow the link to the report I posted and vote a me too on it. MS seems to be ignoring the bug. My experience is if they ignore a bug this long it becomes a permanent feature. Unless the tech press gets involved somehow.

The LinkedIn syncing was a really cool feature too. Made it a good business friendly feature. Much more so than Facebook:).

From user reports it seems the sync still works on WP7 devices. Only problem is on wp8.1. Not sure about 8.0.

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