Looking to get a 925


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Hey guys I'll keep this short. Suffice to say I have been around and back when it comes to phones and I have had a lot of them including a 925 and now I want another one :) (cell phone problems) after going through a 1020, 920, 1520 and some BB's and some Androids, yes I am a cell phone junkie I feel like having another 925. I live in Montreal, Canada and I am on the Rogers network. What are my best options to pick one up? I know if I get a factory unlocked RM-892 the LTE won't work as that is what I already had and it seemed as if the battery life on that one was terrible and I'm not sure why (possible could be that the signal was always searching for LTE in turn destroying the battery??). The only other solution is buying a T-Mobile version since the LTE bands will work. The only think that really worries me is trying to get this unlocked by anybody successfully since from what I have read months ago on this forum and other places no one was able to unlock the T-Mobile version without going through a hassle with T-Mobile and all other companies failed and considering I live in Canada I don't have time or patience for that as I already know they're policies when it comes to unlocking devices.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I have a soft spot for the 925 and don't want a 1020 or 1520 as I have had them both and they are both too bulky for me. The Camera and video capabilities on the 925 are more than adequate for me. I am using a Moto X right now and I won't be getting rid of this device either, probably the best Android device I have ever used, especially the battery life and buttery smooth optimizations :) and the fact that the phone is just so comfortable to use and hold in hand :)

Thanks for any help guys because I am ready to go ahead and get one right away and get 8.1 on it.

Oh last question, should I get an unlocked device do you think I would still get the 8.1 update from Rogers or would it cause issues due to the fact that it is unlocked?

Thanks again ahead of time.
Hey I can't answer your main question, but here's my take.. I have an unlocked 925 so I'm not carrier dependent when it comes to updates.. As soon as updates are available I get them.. Maybe with just one day or a couple of hours waiting time, but so far all of my updates have been released at the same time as the US
Well thanks for your feedback anyway man. I am now using my 920 and Moto X at the moment and love them both. I for one am fortunate that I get lovely,battery life with my 920 but only run in HSPA+ mode (4G) without LTE since I don't care about ab extra few seconds waiting time.

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