Looking to make the switch to WP7


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Hello. I have been perusing around these forums for a few weeks now and finally today went and tried an HTC Trophy at my local Verizon store. I have to say that I was very impressed with the OS and to top it off it was loaded with Mango. The only bad thing was that the sales person asked me if there was a particular reason why I was looking at WP7 because he said it is more of a "niche market". So I told him because I don't like Android because it feels very unfinished and thrown together and it performs poorly. They had a Droid Bionic sitting right next to the Trophy and even with all the extra horsepower the Bionic has the Trophy out performed it by a wide margin. I am due for an upgrade next month and I really liked the Trophy but don't want to get it if a month later one of the next gen phones are going to be released on Verizon. I am currently using a Palm Pre Plus but since HP decided to kill webOS (tear) I have decided to jump on the WP7 bandwagon. I also asked the sales rep if he knew of any new WP7 devices that are coming to Verizon and he told me no, but I don't think he really knew much anyway. I apologize for the long winded first post.
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No news of any upcoming Verizon WP7 phones yet, unfortunately. Hopefully we'll know more in the next month or so.
First off, we're happy to have you. The Trophy is a very solid phone, and as you've already seen, Mango is super smooth even on first gen devices. I'm hoping that Sprint/Verizon show more support for WP7 but they've been silent on any upcoming plans. Right now the place to be for a WP7 phone is T-Mobile or *shudders* AT&T. I expect both carriers to get the cream of the crop when the new devices start rolling out. However, if you got a Trophy now I doubt you'd be disappointed. The solid body feels great in the hand and there are no update problems like other phones. *cough* Samsung Focus 1.4 *cough*
T-mobile isn't the place to be for any device. Lol.

But AT&T has announced 3 new phones coming and I'd expect more from Microsoft's premier partner :)
Welcome! The Trophy is a nice phone. You won't be disappointed with it. I have a non-Verizon Trophy and I am happy with it.

Is there a reason why you put your GPS coordinates in your signature? Are you looking for a date or something? :lol:
T-mobile isn't the place to be for any device. Lol.

But AT&T has announced 3 new phones coming and I'd expect more from Microsoft's premier partner :)

They do have the HD7 and the DVP. That's twice as many phones as Sprint/Verizon. :D
I'm getting so sick of salesperson bias against WP7. Ignorant morons.

Anyway, you will not be dissapointed with the Trophy. As you've seen the WP7 OS is smooth as butter even on a 1ghz processor. You will get Mango and every other update. I know what you're saying though, but Verizon isn't exactly pro WP7. If it's not Android, they seem to care less. So I wouldn't expect Verizon to try and break their necks to get new WP7 devices like the Titan or Radar.

The one thing I can tell you for sure is that you will love WP7 and never want to go back :)
Is there a reason why you put your GPS coordinates in your signature? Are you looking for a date or something? :lol:

BAH ZING!!!! I didn't even realize it got put in there, damn Apple. I posted this from the tapatalk iPad app. The more I do on this damn thing the more frustrated I get.
I'm going out on a limb and say you've probably not used Zune? The great thing about Microsoft and the Zune, is no matter what generation Zune you have, you get the same update. I believe this will be the same for the phones. I too have a Trophy, for about....ah..3 weeks now..? I myself came from a Pre Plus. I think WP7 is as close to webOS as we can get.
You're right, I haven't ever used a Zune before. After watching videos for a few weeks now and finally messing around with the phone in person I am definitely going with WP7 as my next phone. The features in Mango were very nice and everything was extremely responsive which I liked. I also liked their multitasking implementation although coming from the Pre Plus I was very tempted to try to fling the apps off the screen.

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