Love WP but may sway iPhone


Jan 14, 2011
Let me start by saying I'm a sprint customer and I love WP OS.( wish i could say luv my arrive but that would be too strong a word. Like would though... Just because i would have preferred another option such as a thinner phone. But anyway)...

Im at a point i have an upgrade coming in march. My wife and i are insurance agents and our carriers have or will have soon apps available for iOS and android for us to use in the field. Nothing on WP of course because they still seem to be the red-headed step child in the room. The lack of app support is beginning to become an issue. I was wondering if any of you may have been in or are in a similar situation when you use your mobile for both plaat and business.


Sent from my HTC Arrive using Board Express
I use HTC titan at work, iPhone 4S on personal line. Overall, I still like ios better, though for viewing videos... The titans screen is better, imo. Though, strangely enough, microsofts messing around with the mobile web browser rendering has made it nearly unusable for many work sites I need to utilize :(

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I'm not in the position, but I understand how you feel... Are you able to use the web browser to accomplish what you need?

Sent from my Windows Phone 7 device using Board Express
@duvi not really. (using the browser). I wanted to fix my post in my desktop and forgot. I ran out room typing in board express... I couldn't see what u was doing.

Sent from my HTC Arrive using Board Express
Try those sites on desktop IE9. They should be exactly the same.

The desktop sites are a bad user experience on mobile phones. That's for tablets and pc/laptops, IMO. I would not want to be reliant on desktop sites to do stuff on a smartphone. That is why I carry two on me, to avoid issues like this.
Microsoft didn't mess with any rendering, they just used a different rendering engine. Most mobile sites are optimized for website because it has 99 pct matketshare, lol.

My main issue with the WP7 browser is the terrible user interface changes Mango bought.

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I don't think you can go wrong picking WP or iPhone, they're both excellent platforms. If the iPhone has the apps you have to have don't feel bad about choosing it.

Sent from my Windows 7 Phone using Board Express
Is hard not to be tempted by the iphone, it has more apps, the apps are cheaper and the apps are better.
If you look at the iPhone display alone, it's a no-brainer. I saw someone demonstrate the Focus S to me and while on some websites the text was crystal clear, on others it became pixelated when you zoomed in. That's the downside of 200dpi vs 326 on the iPhone. Then there's the fact that the iPhone 4S has the best rear-facing camera on any smartphone.
Anyway, Back OT...

The iphone does seem to have a LOT of different industry specific apps. I'm missing out on a lot of things that may be useful to me at work as well. If you REALLY think it'll make your job easier I say iphone. Ios is just a little stale to me so I chose something I prefer looking at :P

I've been served well for years by BB and could easily go back without any hiccups but where's the fun in that :lol:

I've actually semi-retired my ipod touch that I've had since they came out and now just use a nano. Iphone, meh...
The desktop sites are a bad user experience on mobile phones. That's for tablets and pc/laptops, IMO. I would not want to be reliant on desktop sites to do stuff on a smartphone. That is why I carry two on me, to avoid issues like this.
Microsoft didn't mess with any rendering, they just used a different rendering engine. Most mobile sites are optimized for website because it has 99 pct matketshare, lol.

My main issue with the WP7 browser is the terrible user interface changes Mango bought.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using Tapatalk

More importantly, even in desktp mode, the IE9 mobile browser messes around with the font sizes, and doesn't always do that well...

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