Lumia 535 will not connect to WiFi?


New member
May 22, 2016
I have had a Lumia 535 since September. Recently I have been having some problems with connecting to my Virgin Media router. All the other WiFi networks I can connect to apart from my home one. It comes up with a message about duplicate settings and tells me to delete the network, which I do. I then try and reconnect, but it comes up with a message saying the network didn't respond. The only way to fix this is to turn the router off and on, but it doesn't last and I'm worried it's going to break it. What can I do to fix this problem for good?
Have you tried a soft reset? That often fixes WiFi issues.

To do a soft reset on your phone, hold down the power button for about 15 seconds, or until the phone vibrates and reboots itself.
Don't soft reset it wont solve the problem, I've had this kind of problem too, ur phone mac address has been black listed on the router, just enter into the router and navigate ur way to where u can find IP's and MAC addresses and delete urs from it. Try reconnecting and it should work, that worked for me

Posted from windows central for windows 10 mobile
Don't soft reset it wont solve the problem, I've had this kind of problem too, ur phone mac address has been black listed on the router, just enter into the router and navigate ur way to where u can find IP's and MAC addresses and delete urs from it. Try reconnecting and it should work, that worked for me

Posted from windows central for windows 10 mobile

That could very well be true. Good advice.

But I'd still try a soft reset as a first trouble shooting measure. There's no harm in it.

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