Frosted_Imp New member Jul 22, 2014 16 0 0 Jan 7, 2015 #1 does anyone know when the uk is finally going to get denim on Tesco Mobile on the Lumia 630?
Harrie-S Retired Ambassador Sep 26, 2014 5,378 0 0 Jan 7, 2015 #2 Yes Tesco mobile know. Or if it is a CV Microsoft knows. No one els knows. Upvote 0 Downvote
RumoredNow New member Nov 12, 2012 18,134 0 0 Jan 7, 2015 #3 Check the lists based on your phone's Region/Country/Carrier/Model to see when the update is waiting. Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia Upvote 0 Downvote
Check the lists based on your phone's Region/Country/Carrier/Model to see when the update is waiting. Software update for Lumia with Windows Phone 8 - Nokia
gMaesterUK New member Jun 29, 2014 563 0 0 Jan 7, 2015 #4 Tesco mobile now lock their phones, so you'll get Denim when O2 (the carrier) authorises it on their network... As RumoredNow mentioned the link, follow that.... G. Upvote 0 Downvote
Tesco mobile now lock their phones, so you'll get Denim when O2 (the carrier) authorises it on their network... As RumoredNow mentioned the link, follow that.... G.
Frosted_Imp New member Jul 22, 2014 16 0 0 Jan 7, 2015 #5 Thanks Guys. They seem to delay updates quite a bit. I waited 2 months for cyan so hopefully wont be that long this time. Upvote 0 Downvote
Thanks Guys. They seem to delay updates quite a bit. I waited 2 months for cyan so hopefully wont be that long this time.