Hello, I am using a Lumia 640 lte and yesterday I installed the .251 Windows 10 update. After that and with each reboot I get a banner “welcome to messaging+” which dissapears shortly after.
In the notifications and actions section in settings I get considerable lag and two of the apps appear like this: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsYrY2Br41ABkEAnOSURiOk2IneZ. After a bit of search I found said apps are “mail and calendar” and “messaging+”. Are these apps corrupt somehow? Can it be fixed, without trying full wipe?
In the notifications and actions section in settings I get considerable lag and two of the apps appear like this: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AsYrY2Br41ABkEAnOSURiOk2IneZ. After a bit of search I found said apps are “mail and calendar” and “messaging+”. Are these apps corrupt somehow? Can it be fixed, without trying full wipe?