Lumia 640 + Windows 10


New member
Dec 17, 2015
I created an account in order to say thanks to the community for all the information and commentary.

I have been using a Lumia 635 for about 8 months or so and it was a love/hate relationship while it had 8.1 on it.

I activated the Windows Insider Program and got it updated to Windows 10 and pretty much fell in love. Yes there are some caveats but it was a complete game changer in regards to my opinion on the Windows Mobile platform.

But the 635 is severely underpowered and even though it is very responsive running Windows 10 it does struggle at moments so I decided to upgrade. I can't afford the 950XL or 950 and so I looked into the newly announced 550.

I lurked around the forums here and after a bit of reading and research I decided to buy the Lumia 640 instead. $59.99 direct from Microsoft (I am assuming it's a Go Phone model) combined with just about the same specs as the 550 I felt that it was the better purchase. It should be here on Monday.

I purchased a PNY 64gb MicroSD card (the UHS 3 model) so I'm ready to go.

These forums really helped me to make the decision and I thank you all for it.

People say that Windows Phone is going to die. I have already seen an uptick in Universal Apps now that Windows 10 for the desktop is picking up steam. I think the story's ending is still unwritten. :smile:


New member
Dec 17, 2015
The 640 is a good buy!!! You're gonna love it. Such a great phone for a minimal price.


New member
Nov 12, 2012
Welcome, Bill...

It's always great to hear that our little corner of the interwebz helped someone out.

And congrats on getting the 640 for such a great price. IMHO it is the best smartphone value out there today.


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
I'm running Windows 10 Mobile on my Lumia 640, and loving it. Yeah, I've got the GoPhone model, unlocked before I ever activated it. Once you put Windows 10 on it, there is no carrier obstruction so you may as well have an unlocked country variant. Best deal ever.



New member
Dec 17, 2015
Yeah after all my reading and comparing it really is an awesome deal. Even better than the new 550.

Should be here tomorrow I'm happy to report. I was afraid it would be Monday but the MS shipping dept blessed me with a fast send out.

My understanding is that it will arrive with 8.1 on it.

So my game plan is going to be:

Install the Windows Insider app and then update, update, update. When everything is good to go I will THEN insert my sim card (the 635 was an LTE version so the card will allow LTE access). This way I can still have an operational phone during all the updates and reboots and it will be ready to go when it makes contact with the AT&T network.

I'm not so much worried about unlocking it (I did so on the 635 just because I could - haha) from the AT&T network as I don't travel and I have no intentions of leaving AT&T. I will probably do that later but for now I just want to play with it. Or should I unlock it first? It wasn't hard to do the 635 but I know things change and you guys are the ones that would know if it did.

Again, this website was the inspiration for not only my purchase but my decision to give my 635 a second look with Win10 on it. This little 635 is pretty fast even with 512mb running Win10. My prior phone was an iPhone 4s and with iOS 9 it was useless. Apple should have never included that model with the iOS 9 upgrade. I think they did it so that hold outs like myself would find it unbearable to use and then we would rush out and buy a new one. Instead I bought the 635.

I'm so glad I did.

Windows 10 and the Windows Mobile platform is building up momentum. I didn't notice it at first. Windows 8 and 8.1 were kind of a system shock on the PC. The phone wasn't much if any better. But Windows 10 is a nice blending of old and new. And all the universal apps are popping out as companies realize there are a lot of PC users to market to. Universal means the phone is getting those same apps which is gonna be nice. As the phone gets a better app market people will not be so hesitant to try one out. The ball has started rolling enough that you can see it moving and not just hope that it would eventually.

Apple, if they keep going forward in the same direction, is gonna disillusion its customers. Even die-hard Apple fans are lashing out at the ludicrous battery pack Apple just released. They are saying that it could have been avoided if they just made the phone 2mm thicker. Apple's design choices and their strange "thinnest iPhone ever" obsession are outside of the needs of most users and people are starting to revolt. I hope the revolt sends some market share to Windows Phone because honestly, Windows Phone really does have the most potential and I think a lot of people, when they try it, won't leave.

I know I'm not leaving.


Active member
Nov 10, 2013
Welcome to the forums TechnoBill. $ for $ there isn't a better smartphone out there that can match the performance of the Lumia 640. Even the camera on that device is pretty amazing considering the price.


New member
Dec 19, 2015
I am using Lumia 640 and love it. I am waiting for windows 10 upgrade to become available. Congrats on ur purchase of Lumia 640.


New member
Jan 27, 2014
Hi and welcome :) Good to hear positive things about the 640 :D cuz I'm currently considering it. In any case you already know that the community is pretty helpful, so you know where to be in case you need help :)


Retired Senior Ambassador
Aug 26, 2014
Should be here tomorrow I'm happy to report. I was afraid it would be Monday but the MS shipping dept blessed me with a fast send out.

So you've had the phone a while by now, how are you liking it?

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