Lumia 640(xl): Reminds me of the 920/WP8 era

Nov 20, 2012
I know many of us are desperately hungry for some high end lumias to display the upcoming Windows 10 update. I truly am I want a flagship that is unique to this OS and not a carbon copy hand me down from Android. I certainly wont be happy with that and I know most of us aren't(look at the marketshare between WP oems).

That being said, I was thinking...the Lumia 640s appear to be reminiscent of the WP8 launch almost with the 920/820 release. This is the only phone in awhile I have truly seen many people on Windows Central going crazy for. Many people were desperately and anxiously waiting for news for its arrival on Tmobile, disappointed about its release date being possibly delayed to July(thankfully that isn't the case), and all around just hungry for more news.

I truly haven't seen this much excited for a windows Phone since the 920. I say the 920 because even though there was excitement for the 1020, 1520, 930(icon) and 830, those devices were basically on one carrier.

I also love the fact that there are no variants. We just got the 640(xl). No 641 or 642 or anything like that...even Verizon's 735 is still the 735.

I wish Microsoft would've released this phone(and the 735) way earlier together with these carriers because I wonder if these phones could have done even more for us. But I am so excited to see what happens now.

The 640 is now available on 3 carriers(Cricket, Metro and Tmo)
The 640 XL is on Att as of present or will be
and the 735 is now on Verizon. It's a shame that right now all Sprint has is the 635 but the way I see it...for once all 4 carriers have Windows Phones...not to mention Virgin/Boost(also Sprint).

We are lacking a flagship, that is true, but nonetheless the army of Windows Phones within the US is growing and I hope it brings some notable success so that we can enter into the Win 10 era stronger and not weaker.

PS- I would love to see a Blu device sold by a carrier or at least in Best buy or Wal-mart. They are like a more attractive M8 but on par with the 640 spec wise.

But for the love of God, Microsoft...Promote your damn Lumias please and thank you :)
But for the love of God, Microsoft...Promote your damn Lumias please and thank you :)


I like your whole post, but agree the most with this part.

I never knew about the Lumia until I accidentally stumbled upon a 635 online. I sincerely believe that these phones are under hyped and for the most part highly underrated.

Even when I was using the 635, I couldn't help but continuously be baffled that no one in the US. knows about, or uses, these great phones. I try to spread the word, and now most of the people in my small family use WP. but that's three, four people tops.

If they were marketed at all here, I think more people would be intrigued and at least check them out.

I like your whole post, but agree the most with this part.

I never knew about the Lumia until I accidentally stumbled upon a 635 online. I sincerely believe that these phones are under hyped and for the most part highly underrated.

Even when I was using the 635, I couldn't help but continuously be baffled that no one in the US. knows about, or uses, these great phones. I try to spread the word, and now most of the people in my small family use WP. but that's three, four people tops.

If they were marketed at all here, I think more people would be intrigued and at least check them out.

I think the bigger part is that Microsoft doesn't really mention their Lumia products(at least in the US...I think in the UK they do get some MIMIMAL advertisement which is likely the reason Windows phone does better there than here...hmm, see what happens when you market your product...people recognize it lol) and that is why we have the issues we do with sales.

I do think the app gate is a problem but also when the parent company sort of just treats windows phone as if it doesn't exist half the time, is why we are where we are.

I will give them credit and they are actually giving it some promotion(albeit mild) with the Office 365/1TB One Cloud promo for the 735 and 640(Xl).

But the Lumia 735 is a selfie some crazy commercial with a bunch of kids trying to take pics on their iPhone(similar o that Nokia commercial with the zombies and the 925).

Throw in stuff that kids could want like Xbox Music or Live. So much could be done but it isn't...I do hope it changes with Windows 10.

But I am just glad that are stable is growing so we have more of a defense because up until May all we had was the M8 Windows on Verizon, the 830 and the 635/530/435 low end phones which was incredibly weak.
Problem too is that all carrier store employees are so Android/Iphone crazy, they put down the windows phone without even knowing anything about them. Microsoft has to give some incentives to the employees for moving more of these phones IMO. That's when you will see the market share start to rise.
..I think in the UK they do get some MIMIMAL advertisement which is likely the reason Windows phone does better there than here...

Certainly starting to see an increase in Lumia advertising in the UK. TV commercials showing off Cortana mainly, and some billboard and bus shelter advertisements.
But very rarely see Android advertised either...

However, still a poorly supported and placed platform in many carrier/network stores, and many of the store assistants knowledge on WP is poor.
Market share will rise when Android apps can easily be cross-compiled for Windows Phone. How can a company this size not think and offer a solution to this app problem earlier.
Problem too is that all carrier store employees are so Android/Iphone crazy, they put down the windows phone without even knowing anything about them. Microsoft has to give some incentives to the employees for moving more of these phones IMO. That's when you will see the market share start to rise.
Market share will rise when Android apps can easily be cross-compiled for Windows Phone. How can a company this size not think and offer a solution to this app problem earlier.
What's to say they didn't? it may have taken time to develop and testing?

Also they tried to do things their own way and it didn't work out. Nothing wrong with that

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