Lumia 830 is perfect for me

Jorge Holguin

New member
Apr 18, 2014
Remember couple months back before MS cancelled the McLaren? Although it was *never confirmed* we had very good leaks from this site and other rename sites, our hopes were very high and understandable what was say about McLaren was very impressive and exciting, even when some called the 3D part of it "Gimmick." I was really sad when the news broke that the project was cancelled. But now that more information about Threshold are coming out what I believe it happens was that MS decided to do the same the did with W8/8.1 stop major updates and bring what the public has been asking for in WP. I've been saving money for *that phone* [McLaren -cancelled-], so what's next? I asked myself. Well like many others I was waiting for the 1020 & 1520 replacements [again it didn't happen] I believe they will come when Threshold is ready to ship, MS is still developing the 1020 technology to make it even better
Who came to the rescue? The Lumias 830. Yes you read it right: The Lumias 830 is the perfect phone to finally put my lovely 925 to rest for awhile [I will use it as a test dummy, for previous as long as I can], the price and specifications are perfect for me. Removable battery, SD card, PureView, Hardware. I own 920/925 & 635. I will get this phone as soon as my carrier gets it :cry::crying::cry: T-Mobile. But if they don't hurry up, I will dump T-Mobile. I will say again the 830 is the perfect phone for me and hopefully for many others.
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