I just tried that too; in Qc the minimum Rogers plan is the Share Everything $60 (base) + $25 (min) = $85 per month, totalling $2040 for the 2 year contract, with the phone at $0.
Otherwise, you can still get the $55 month plan, but you have to pay the $399 for the phone up front, which is still better imho : $1320 + $400 = $1720, $320 less than the subsidized 2y purchase.
Staying with Telus, I keep my $55 plan, but the phone is still $0, so $400 less than Rogers best offering.
I challenged a Rogers sales rep with these figures to try and get them to lower the $400 price tag, in vain. She was all "you can't compare apple and oranges". O'RLY? Exact same phone (except the color) and exact same plan at $55, these apples look pretty much the same to me...
So, is the color worth $400 ? Kind of expensive just for color... I'll stick with the Telus black.