So over the weekend my Lumia 925 fully died quite spectacularly.
Was using it and it just froze, no response on device at all. Had to reboot it. Then doing so got stuck on NOKIA boot loader loop for 45 minutes before showing a Lightning and Cog Symbol. Then screen went black and no feedback from power button, such as vibrate when turned on etc
Plugging phone into PC detects it as QHSUSB_DLOAD and Microsoft Device Recovery can?t detect the device.
Phone is using the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1
So I was a bit let down, then checked my Microsoft account and surprised to see device still in warranty until June/July!
It's being shipped to Hungry from the UK by UPS, UGH
So somehow my device hard bricked it's self. I'm assuming dead or dying flash chip as it had been running slow for a month or so. As I had made no flash changes or flashed it recently at all.
Also the power button has lost some tactile response not as responsive as the volume buttons if you get me. Still worked though before it bricked it's self.
What if Microsoft can't repair it, I assume according to their warranty document they replace it but 925 been out of production for atleast a year or more, so they would I assume have to replace it like for like?
Anyone had theirs repaired recently?
How long do these's repairs take
Was using it and it just froze, no response on device at all. Had to reboot it. Then doing so got stuck on NOKIA boot loader loop for 45 minutes before showing a Lightning and Cog Symbol. Then screen went black and no feedback from power button, such as vibrate when turned on etc
Plugging phone into PC detects it as QHSUSB_DLOAD and Microsoft Device Recovery can?t detect the device.
Phone is using the latest version of Windows Phone 8.1
So I was a bit let down, then checked my Microsoft account and surprised to see device still in warranty until June/July!
It's being shipped to Hungry from the UK by UPS, UGH
So somehow my device hard bricked it's self. I'm assuming dead or dying flash chip as it had been running slow for a month or so. As I had made no flash changes or flashed it recently at all.
Also the power button has lost some tactile response not as responsive as the volume buttons if you get me. Still worked though before it bricked it's self.
What if Microsoft can't repair it, I assume according to their warranty document they replace it but 925 been out of production for atleast a year or more, so they would I assume have to replace it like for like?
Anyone had theirs repaired recently?
How long do these's repairs take