Made the plunge


New member
Nov 30, 2011
So after some deliberation I decided to give WP7 a fair shot. I have used IOS for 3 years followed by android for almost 2.5 years. I like to try what is out there and recently Wp7 really caught my eye.

I have to say on first impression... WOW. The interface is so clean and snappy that I am beside myself. Its actually hard to grasp that it can run so smoothly and have such beautiful transitions with the hardware that is used. My hat goes off to Microsoft for their accomplishment.

I used ios because that was what was out at the time. I jumped onto android once the nexus one was released and for the remaining years kept that device on the top of my list. My Focus S is going to do a good job climbing the chart. Phone feels great in the hand and it runs this gorgeous experience.

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I am so far. I am also enjoying getting off of sprint and back to a GSM carrier. I'm a big fan of unlocked phones. C'mon Lumia 800! I am enjoying the design of the apps as well. Fuse is gorgeous! Totally didn't even care about pulse after
seeing that.

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Its a fantastic OS that got me hooked the first day I had mine.

This really is a great place for WP7 info and to interact with fellow WP7 users.

I've been with WP7 for around a year. And it still looks fresh and beautiful to me.
Welcome to WP! You made an awesome decision, at a very good time with the release of the 7.5 (2nd gen) devices.
Just made the change a couple weeks back from android and am loving wp7....welcome to the forum :)

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