First of all hello everybody! I've been browsing the site for months now but finally decided to join the party! I also just recently picked up a Samsung Focus so I'm excited & enjoying everyday with my baby!! Now for a few questions.
Yesterday I took the plunge & installed the RTM on my Focus & noticed a slight difference with my 'People Tile'. On NoDo the tile would display all of my Facebook friends EVEN if I had them hidden in the contact list. Now, I have Twitter & Facebook logged in but the tile is only showing those contacts if I have those contacts displayed in the actual list. Kind of confusing & it's not that big of a deal, but was just wondering if anybody else has noticed this.
Also, I can't download the Samsung Now app at all. I can download any other Samsung app just not that one. It says "This might be because your phone software needs to be updated, the app is exclusive to a different mobile provider, or the app is not available in your region." This also isn't a big deal, just pointing out the little things.
OTHERWISE... Mango, well Windows Phone 7 is AMAZING! Coming from WebOS, I feel right at home! I've had them all, but this OS just amazes me every single time I pick up the phone!
Yesterday I took the plunge & installed the RTM on my Focus & noticed a slight difference with my 'People Tile'. On NoDo the tile would display all of my Facebook friends EVEN if I had them hidden in the contact list. Now, I have Twitter & Facebook logged in but the tile is only showing those contacts if I have those contacts displayed in the actual list. Kind of confusing & it's not that big of a deal, but was just wondering if anybody else has noticed this.
Also, I can't download the Samsung Now app at all. I can download any other Samsung app just not that one. It says "This might be because your phone software needs to be updated, the app is exclusive to a different mobile provider, or the app is not available in your region." This also isn't a big deal, just pointing out the little things.
OTHERWISE... Mango, well Windows Phone 7 is AMAZING! Coming from WebOS, I feel right at home! I've had them all, but this OS just amazes me every single time I pick up the phone!