Maps on Slow insider/CU incredibly poor?


New member
Sep 20, 2016
Hey, guys! Do you also have this issue with maps? Once I got to CU (and did a hard reset), I noticed how offline maps if my country (Serbia) now takes about 110MB instead of 160MB from before, while on Android it's even richer, and there it takes almost 300MB... I don't even have any buildings, and it struggles a lot to find an address. In fact, I think that it can no longer find an exact address (with the street number) when offline. That's ridiculous.😒

It's there a solution to this, or a workaround? Or can we expect these maps to come back to normal after the official release of CU?
It's buggy like most things on W10M. Good old Here Maps are gone to Android and iOS.

Once, Maps on Nokia/Lumia were a top reason to buy into WP. No longer, even Google Maps is way better.
But this doesn't seem like a bug to me. I looks like they purposely pushed these less detailed maps to us. It's not just me, I've asked around, others who are at CU also have these crippled maps. So it's not about Maps app, it's about us not being given a more detailed maps. Oh, and I think that maps on my laptop, which is on CU, have far more detailed maps compared to what I used to have on my phone with AU. Last time I remember, it used to be almost as detailed in my laptop as on Android.

But the app is far from perfect too... Somebody said how the navigation stops working once you lock the screen. And yes, it is the case on my phone as well.

Don't get me wrong because of my first paragraph. Wherever the reason for these less detailed maps is, this is beyond stupid. If, for example, I bought my father a Lumia 650 or 550, and if he faced this issue, I would be beyond disappointed and mad. He doesn't have any data plan, and he relys on his Lumia 532 (which is still on wp8.1) for looking for addresses for his work.

I hope they're going to fix this until there official release, but knowing Microsoft I ain't counting on that.😒 Instead of trying to build a good reputation, Microsoft seems to work hard on making people hate them as hard as possible.

Sent from mTalk on Windows 10 phone
I cant even see streets, they changed the rendering engine so all map apps using it are affected

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