May switch


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Jan 16, 2012
Hello everyone,

I currently own an OG Droid on Verizon Wireless. My contract expires in 7 days and up until about a month or two ago, I had my heart set on the Galaxy Nexus. Then I gave WP7 another chance and found the HTC Trophy. I love the Metro UI and how everything seamlessly flows together. But what I want to know is if my phone is going to grow. I don't want to buy the Trophy and then find out support will end for it in 2 weeks. Reminds me of when I bought my Droid. One week after I had purchased it, the Droid X came out. I'm wondering how everyone feels about support for WP7 phones on Verizon Wireless.

I think all current windows phones have been kept up to date with the latest version of the OS mdscj4.

The latest OS release is quite new so some phones still maybe waiting on it but it wont be far away.

I don't think you need to worry about updates to be honest. Microsoft have done a remarkable job in updating all the various handsets in my opinion.

I think everyone is totally frustrated with the lack of news forthcoming from Verizon about what new WP they may be getting.

Anyway enough of me ranting on I just wanted to welcome you along to WPCentral mdscj4. :)

Get That Trophy! (Or if you can wait, see if anything new is announced) :P
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Being the Trophy is VZW's only WP, I can almost guarantee support will not be dropped for it for years. Also, every WP (prototypes and all) get the updates (NpDo, Mango, Tango, Apollo, etc.) so i say go for it!

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
Thanks for the input!

I've heard some places (Microsoft's site after the Where's my Phone update ditch) that Verizon and other carriers will only release an update if they choose to. Being that Verizon seems very Android dominated right now, I'm worried. Also, my current phone does not have a front-facing camera, and neither does the Trophy, but there's always that thought in the back of my mind about how my phones hardware is only par.
I wouldn't waste my upgrade on the trophy when better things will be coming soon. I have the trophy and it's great but there are shortcomings. If you want to go to WP, I would wait for the next device. For sure support for the trophy will stop before support for the next device will. Plus, the next device will have LTE.

Sent from my Trophy using Board Express
I would not switch to the Trophy until after Mobile World. You'd be kicking yourself if something better comes out in a month.
If you get a trophy get it off contract. At this point you don't want to be stuck with it for two years. In July I went from the motorola droid to the trophy and haven't looked back. This is the phone my droid was supposed to be.
On second thought, I would wait til after MWC. If Verizon will be getting any new WPs, then they will announce it there. You could get a Trophy off contract; I'm sure you could find one on Craigslist or eBay for very cheap. That way you keep your upgrade until the LTE WPs.

Sent from my Samsung Focus S using Board Express.
What makes you so sure something better is coming from Verizon? Verizon has never fully been on board with WP7, and when they finally did release a device, it was at the low-end. They have not advertised it at all.

Verizon CEO: Windows Phone 7 isn't an innovative, leading edge product

I really think we will see more windows phones on Verizon. Nokia has said they are planning on working with all major US carriers. BUT, I also think that android will be Verizon's main platform for a while to come.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
What makes you so sure something better is coming from Verizon? Verizon has never fully been on board with WP7, and when they finally did release a device, it was at the low-end. They have not advertised it at all.

Verizon CEO: Windows Phone 7 isn't an innovative, leading edge product

There's no guarantee that something good will come to Verizon but better to wait a month and know for sure than to get locked into a 2-year contract and miss out on a much better phone.
I got a Galaxy Nexus with a 2 year contract. It's in my drawer gathering dust right now. I bought a Trophy from someone off Craigslist and love it. I love the size of the phone... It's very portable. See if you can find a used Trophy for $125-$175 and wait until newer phones are announced on Verizon.
Welcome to WP Central, mdscj4. Like others have said on this thread, you should wait until MWC to see if Verizon announces anything regarding Windows Phone. Right now Verizon doesn't seem too enthusiastic about WP but that may change. Also, the Trophy is what, a 1st generation Windows Phone? I highly recommend you don't waste your upgrade on the Trophy until you really know what's coming down the pipe. Again, it won't hurt waiting until after MWC.

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