Hi. A friend has a dual SIM phone and has two different network SIM's installed. He varies which SIM he messages me from in order to keep it charge-free for him. For my replies to be free I have to respond to the number that is the same network as mine.
Both numbers are in his contact profile and I use the "Switch Number" option in the menu to ensure I reply to the desired number irrespective of which number the message came from.
From another forum post I understand the setting is meant to be sticky but it reverts randomly (sometimes after just one reply) and I can't discern any pattern to it.
Hopefully someone has a solution to this problem or insight into this behaviour?
Both numbers are in his contact profile and I use the "Switch Number" option in the menu to ensure I reply to the desired number irrespective of which number the message came from.
From another forum post I understand the setting is meant to be sticky but it reverts randomly (sometimes after just one reply) and I can't discern any pattern to it.
Hopefully someone has a solution to this problem or insight into this behaviour?