Messenger Hub, Live Messenger?


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Hi Guys,

I am pretty sure WP7 will allow Windows Live Messenger chats? I have my main Live account, GMail, and my old Messenger account, Hotmail, linked into it. I have Facebook linked in and Facebook works fine, linkedin also works fine but I'm not getting any WLM function.

any help?
I am also curious about this. I have a WL account and can use Messenger on my PC, but I don't see a way to add it on WP7.
Windows Live Messenger is integrated into the "Messaging" Hub. Just scroll right into the Online section and those are your contacts. If you have FB chat feature ON, then they will also be merged into that list.
WLM doesn't seem to be working for me. I just tried to chat with myself from another account. Nothing happened.

Edit: Nevermind. Works now. I have no idea why.
WLM doesn't seem to be working for me. I just tried to chat with myself from another account. Nothing happened.

Edit: Nevermind. Works now. I have no idea why.

Chat features seem to be disabled when using "Battery Saver". Maybe you had it enabled?
I am still a bit confused, i just cant see anywhere that the phone is accessing WLM in any way. . .

Go into the messaging, scroll right, change your status to online - if your WLM contacts are online, they will appear online - it's all integrated, there is no separate messaging app for live or text, it's all in one. If you text someone, then you live message them it all appears as part of the same conversation (but it tells you when you switch).
ok, because i have such an overlap on Facebook and WLM I suppose i was confusing myself.

I just assumed there would be an option in the settings to either turn on / off WLM contacts, same as there is with facebook, or to be able to set various status eg. busy, for one chat system.
WLM only works with the primairy LiveID.

From what ou are describing I'm getting you have a LiveID for the phone and a seperate LiveID for WLM? Sorry, but that's a no-go.
WLM only works with the primairy LiveID.

From what ou are describing I'm getting you have a LiveID for the phone and a seperate LiveID for WLM? Sorry, but that's a no-go.
Exactly. And if that's the case you need a third party app for WLM. Only one available right now.

Sent from my HTC Surround using Board Express
How did you link the accounts? The only (microsoft) way to integrate social services is via the website associated with your LiveID.

I see no way to link another Live account.

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