Microsoft Earn finally coming out of beta.


New member
Jun 3, 2013
I signed up for Microsoft Earn a long while back when it was first announced hoping to get some money towards getting myself a Surface to replace my aging laptop which is held together by duct tape. The idea was grand, 3-10% cash back linked to your debit card, great! After signing up though I found that it was limited to only three states, all of which were very far away from me in Ohio.

Having long forgotten about this service, I was surprised when I got an email reading: "You earned it!" from Microsoft congratulating me for making my first qualified purchase (which I did at the local PetsMart). Skeptical, I checked my account and saw that sure enough I had $15 worth of Microsoft credit! After a couple weeks I went back to PetSmart to see if I could recreate and was once again awarded credit.

As a software developer I felt obligated to report this as a bug to Microsoft, even if a fix meant losing out on the opportunity. In response though, I got a confirmation that they have begun slowly and quietly testing for a national roll out. I expect an announcement to happen pretty soon. Hopefully more retailers will hop on at launch and I will be well on my way to getting that Surface I wanted!

TLDR; - Microsoft Earn coming soon!

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