Microsoft is done with phones - store?


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Apr 5, 2017
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Ok longtime BB user, still use a BB Classic with BB10. I love the OS and I love the keyboard. The only other OS that 'got me' was Windows. The live tiles are fantastic and I love using this OS on my surface. Lack of apps? meh, never bothered me as the web apps do the trick for me. I have a throwaway 540 that I use when I go out camping/hunting/hiking/beach weekend stuff because I like the live tiles.

With all of the hoopla on Samsung S8 and MS selling them in the store, I was intrigued to look into the strategy a bit. This is a "if you cant beat them - join them" move and does send a strong signal that their continued investment in 'phones' is all but done.

I go to the MS Store to check out the x3 that is on sale. I go to the store home and all mention of phones is scrubbed:

I know they had a section there in the past, but now its gone. You can find phones buried under "Products" next to the Store, but interesting they are no longer mentioned or on the store home page. Maybe its a simple mistake as they go to redo the page and add in the s8?

Give me a windows phone with a keyboard and I'm moving in a second!


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Feb 6, 2015
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Interesting, I see phones under "Devices" on the same site. I can't recall a time when it wasn't there.


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Apr 5, 2017
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Absolutely, its up there, but its no longer on the windows store home. The store home page where it says Office, Windows, Microsoft Surface, PC & Tablets used to have Windows phone in that list and an image on the home page. To get there now you have to click on Products\Devices & XBOX\All Windows Phones.

I'm just wondering why it was removed from the navigation that is front and center on home page. I mean HoloLens is still there!


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Sep 28, 2014
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It's a subliminal message - "Windows phone is dead, Windows phone is dead". They learned that from reading these forums.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S


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Nov 30, 2015
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I thought they (MS) was going to call the category something different? something that transcended the phone.


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Nov 12, 2012
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I thought they (MS) was going to call the category something different? something that transcended the phone.

The Surface Guru? :winktongue:

Here's my deal (or how I deal?), if Surface for Mobile is going to be the Holy Grail of full desktop in your palm with legacy win32 baked in...

That's gonna cost. Don't tell me it won't. And apparently it is taking more time than they thought initially.

There should still be a place for W10M in the low and mid tiers with 3rd party OEMs driving it. Have they succeeded with that? Not yet. And for the Store, UWP still makes sense. Have they succeeded with that? Not yet.

What are they doing? As per usual, playing their cards too close to the vest to engender consumer confidence.

Is the new Samsung S8 another long game? Remember that Uncle Sammy patented a device that would run Android and full desktop W10 in one. DeX is likely an opener for that. This gen Sammy doesn't do anything for most of the base, but it might get some consumer confidence moving in a direction they want to explore in future.

Removing the W10M phones in large measure was sort of determined previously when they squashed Lumia. Not many players have stepped in, unfortunately. Those that have seem to have aimed a bit high of the mark for mass purchase appeal, IMHO. Hence the drought when you consider the price points versus the purchase power of many in this space.


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Jan 12, 2013
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I agree with you. I think they should have released new phones this year, follow ups to the 950, Xl and 650 at the least. And they should have continued to push Windows 10 Mobile so that next year mid and low range W10M phones would be made by other OEM's while MS focused on the high end.


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Nov 30, 2015
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I believe you could not be more correct...on all points!

What I also believe, is, if MS would have introduce a number of phones during this time that they are trying to perfect a whole new operating system for mobile, those introductions would have sold 'only' to the MS fan base, but would have suffer greatly in the general marketplace due to it would have been a downgrade to what the mass market is accustom too, and therefore even more negative press to over come 'if' they do have something up their sleeve. Actually, the fact that that have not tried to keep the bake from flattening by buying a bigger oven, gives me hope that they are working on a game changer....I think Samsung is also hedging their bet.

I, also, believe that MS plans to subcontract the phone business to OEMs, (I would put my money on the Chinese/Japanese Manufacturers; if Sony could put new camera capabilities into a line of low-to-high end phone at a great price, I think would be a grand slam!). If RS3 produces a directional change for mobile, a Sony-type manufacturer could benefit greatly in the long term...and, could add advertising dollars, marketing expertise and credibility to the development to W10M.

Bottom line; MS needs to 'load the bases' AND put their best batter at the plate, before it's too late and the season ends.

I, for one, am impressed at the progress that my 950XL has made in the last year (wish it had come that way out-of-the-box), and look optimistically for what is on the 'near' horizon, for Windows Mobile; I love the ecosystem, and my only REQUIRED feature for a phone is a 'great' camera, so the 950XL works well for me. I have a SP3 and SB to back it up when traveling, so I'm good to go.

My beliefs are all based on conjecture, and if they are wrong, then I will cross that bridge when I come to it...but whatever I get will have a great low light camera, for pictures and video;^)


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Aug 8, 2013
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As a user of Windows phones for over three years (but not any longer), the season was ended at Microsoft quite awhile ago. Android was just reported as the new leading OS on the internet. The game is all but over because of the mistakes they have made all along. As they day in tennis, game, set, match.


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Aug 8, 2013
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I keep my Lumia pic as a fond memory of good times I had with the Windows phones but its impossible to ignore the writing on the wall. I still have a windows computer but my tablets and phones are all Android.

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